
An iterator is an abstract datatype representing a pointer into a TextBuffer.

  • The following functions do not make sense due to Haskell's wide character representation of Unicode: gtk_text_iter_get_line_index gtk_text_iter_get_visible_line_index gtk_text_iter_get_bytes_in_line gtk_text_iter_set_line_index gtk_text_iter_set_visible_line_index
  • The functions gtk_text_iter_in_range and gtk_text_iter_order are not bound because they are only convenience functions which can replaced by calls to textIterCompare.
  • All offsets are counted from 0.


  • Bind the following function when GSList is bound: gtk_text_iter_get_marks gtk_text_iter_get_toggled_tags gtk_text_iter_get_tags
  • Bind the following functions when we are sure about anchors (see TextBuffer): gtk_text_iter_get_anchor
  • Bind TextAttribute functions when I am clear how to model them. gtk_text_iter_get_attribute
  • Forward exceptions in the two callback functions.
newtype TextIter = TextIter (ForeignPtr TextIter)
mkTextIter :: Ptr TextIter -> IO TextIter
makeEmptyTextIter :: IO TextIter
textIterGetBuffer :: TextIter -> IO TextBuffer
textIterCopy :: TextIter -> IO TextIter
textIterGetOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int
textIterGetLine :: TextIter -> IO Int
textIterGetLineOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int
textIterGetVisibleLineOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int
textIterGetChar :: TextIter -> IO (Maybe Char)
textIterGetSlice :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String
textIterGetText :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String
textIterGetVisibleSlice :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String
textIterGetVisibleText :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String
textIterGetPixbuf :: TextIter -> IO (Maybe Pixbuf)
textIterBeginsTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
textIterEndsTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
textIterTogglesTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
textIterHasTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
textIterEditable :: TextIter -> Bool -> IO Bool
textIterCanInsert :: TextIter -> Bool -> IO Bool
textIterStartsWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterEndsWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterInsideWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterStartsLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterEndsLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterStartsSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterEndsSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterInsideSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterIsCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterGetCharsInLine :: TextIter -> IO Int
textIterIsEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterIsStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardChar :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardChar :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardChars :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardChars :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterForwardLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardLines :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardLines :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterForwardWordEnds :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardWordStarts :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterForwardWordEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardWordStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardCursorPositions :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardCursorPositions :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterForwardSentenceEnds :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardSentenceStarts :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool
textIterForwardSentenceEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardSentenceStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterSetOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
textIterSetLine :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
textIterSetLineOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
textIterSetVisibleLineOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
textIterForwardToEnd :: TextIter -> IO ()
textIterForwardToLineEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardToTagToggle :: TextIter -> Maybe TextTag -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardToTagToggle :: TextIter -> Maybe TextTag -> IO Bool
textIterForwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterBackwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterForwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [TextSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))
textIterBackwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [TextSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))
textIterEqual :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO Bool
textIterCompare :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO Ordering
newtype TextIter
TextIter (ForeignPtr TextIter)
mkTextIter :: Ptr TextIter -> IO TextIter
makeEmptyTextIter :: IO TextIter
textIterGetBuffer :: TextIter -> IO TextBuffer
Return the TextBuffer this iterator is associated with.
textIterCopy :: TextIter -> IO TextIter
Copy the iterator.
textIterGetOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int
Extract the offset relative to the beginning of the buffer.
textIterGetLine :: TextIter -> IO Int
Extract the line of the buffer.
textIterGetLineOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int
Extract the offset relative to the beginning of the line.
textIterGetVisibleLineOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int
Extract the offset relative to the beginning of the line skipping invisible parts of the line.
textIterGetChar :: TextIter -> IO (Maybe Char)
Return the character at this iterator.
textIterGetSlice :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String

Return the text in a given range.

  • Pictures (and other objects) are represented by 0xFFFC.
textIterGetText :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String

Return the text in a given range.

  • Pictures (and other objects) are stripped form the output.
textIterGetVisibleSlice :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String

Return the visible text in a given range.

  • Pictures (and other objects) are represented by 0xFFFC.
textIterGetVisibleText :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String

Return the visible text in a given range.

  • Pictures (and other objects) are stripped form the output.
textIterGetPixbuf :: TextIter -> IO (Maybe Pixbuf)
Get the Pixbuf under the iterator.
textIterBeginsTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
Query whether a TextIter is at the start of a TextTag.
textIterEndsTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
Query whether a TextIter is at the end of a TextTag.
textIterTogglesTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
Query if the TextIter is at the beginning or the end of a TextTag.
textIterHasTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool
Check if TextIter is within a range tagged with tag.
textIterEditable :: TextIter -> Bool -> IO Bool

Check if TextIter is within an editable region.

  • If no tags that affect editability are attached to the current position def will be returned.
  • This function cannot be used to decide whether text can be inserted at TextIter. Use the textIterCanInsert function for this purpose.
textIterCanInsert :: TextIter -> Bool -> IO Bool

Check if new text can be inserted at TextIter.

  • Use textBufferInsertInteractive if you want to insert text depending on the current editable status.
textIterStartsWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter begins a new natural-language word.
textIterEndsWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter ends a new natural-language word.
textIterInsideWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter is inside a word.
textIterStartsLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter begins a new line.
textIterEndsLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Determine if TextIter point to the beginning of a line delimiter.

  • Returns False if TextIter points to the n in a rn sequence.
textIterStartsSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter starts a sentence.
textIterEndsSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter ends a sentence.
textIterInsideSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter is inside a sentence.
textIterIsCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter is at a cursor position.
textIterGetCharsInLine :: TextIter -> IO Int

Return number of characters in this line.

  • The return value includes delimiters.
textIterIsEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter is at the end of the buffer.
textIterIsStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool
Determine if TextIter is at the beginning of the buffer.
textIterForwardChar :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a character.
textIterBackwardChar :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards.

  • Retuns True if the movement was possible.
textIterForwardChars :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards by n characters.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new character (and False if the iterator points to a picture or has not moved).
textIterBackwardChars :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards by n characters.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new character (and False if the iterator points to a picture or has not moved).
textIterForwardLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new line (and False if the iterator points to a picture or has not moved).
  • If TextIter is on the first line, it will be moved to the beginning of the buffer.
textIterBackwardLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new line (and False if the iterator points to a picture or has not moved).
  • If TextIter is on the first line, it will be moved to the end of the buffer.
textIterForwardLines :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards by n lines.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new line (and False if the iterator points to a picture or has not moved).
  • If TextIter is on the first line, it will be moved to the beginning of the buffer.
  • n can be negative.
textIterBackwardLines :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards by n lines.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new line (and False if the iterator points to a picture or has not moved).
  • If TextIter is on the first line, it will be moved to the end of the buffer.
  • n can be negative.
textIterForwardWordEnds :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards by n word ends.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new word end.
textIterBackwardWordStarts :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards by n word beginnings.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new word start.
textIterForwardWordEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards to the next word end.

  • Retuns True if the iterator has moved to a new word end.
textIterBackwardWordStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards to the next word beginning.

  • Retuns True if the iterator has moved to a new word beginning.
textIterForwardCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards to the next cursor position.

  • Some characters are composed of two Unicode codes. This function ensures that TextIter does not point inbetween such double characters.
  • Returns True if TextIter moved and points to a character (not to an object).
textIterBackwardCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards to the next cursor position.

  • Some characters are composed of two Unicode codes. This function ensures that TextIter does not point inbetween such double characters.
  • Returns True if TextIter moved and points to a character (not to an object).
textIterForwardCursorPositions :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards by n cursor positions.

  • Returns True if TextIter moved and points to a character (not to an object).
textIterBackwardCursorPositions :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards by n cursor positions.

  • Returns True if TextIter moved and points to a character (not to an object).
textIterForwardSentenceEnds :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards by n sentence ends.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new sentence end.
textIterBackwardSentenceStarts :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards by n sentence beginnings.

  • Retuns True if the iterator is pointing to a new sentence start.
textIterForwardSentenceEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forwards to the next sentence end.

  • Retuns True if the iterator has moved to a new sentence end.
textIterBackwardSentenceStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backwards to the next sentence beginning.

  • Retuns True if the iterator has moved to a new sentence beginning.
textIterSetOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
Set TextIter to an offset within the buffer.
textIterSetLine :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
Set TextIter to a line within the buffer.
textIterSetLineOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
Set TextIter to an offset within the line.
textIterSetVisibleLineOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO ()
Set TextIter to an visible character within the line.
textIterForwardToEnd :: TextIter -> IO ()
Moves TextIter to the end of the buffer.
textIterForwardToLineEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Moves TextIter to the end of the line.

  • Returns True if TextIter moved to a new location which is not the buffer end iterator.
textIterForwardToTagToggle :: TextIter -> Maybe TextTag -> IO Bool

Moves TextIter forward to the next change of a TextTag.

  • If Nothing is supplied, any TextTag will be matched.
  • Returns True if there was a tag toggle after TextIter.
textIterBackwardToTagToggle :: TextIter -> Maybe TextTag -> IO Bool

Moves TextIter backward to the next change of a TextTag.

  • If Nothing is supplied, any TextTag will be matched.
  • Returns True if there was a tag toggle before TextIter.
textIterForwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter forward until a predicate function returns True.

  • If pred returns True before limit is reached, the search is stopped and the return value is True.
  • If limit is Nothing, the search stops at the end of the buffer.
textIterBackwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter -> IO Bool

Move TextIter backward until a predicate function returns True.

  • If pred returns True before limit is reached, the search is stopped and the return value is True.
  • If limit is Nothing, the search stops at the end of the buffer.
textIterForwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [TextSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))

Search forward for a specific string.

  • If specified, the last character which is tested against that start of the search pattern will be limit.
  • TextSearchFlags may be empty.
  • Returns the start and end position of the string found.
textIterBackwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [TextSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))

Search backward for a specific string.

  • If specified, the last character which is tested against that start of the search pattern will be limit.
  • TextSearchFlags my be empty.
  • Returns the start and end position of the string found.
textIterEqual :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO Bool

Compare two TextIter for equality.

  • TextIter could be in class Eq and Ord if there is a guarantee that each iterator is copied before it is modified in place. This is done the next abstraction layer.
textIterCompare :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO Ordering

Compare two TextIter.

  • TextIter could be in class Eq and Ord if there is a guarantee that each iterator is copied before it is modified in place. This could be done the next abstraction layer.
Produced by Haddock version 0.6