This file reflects the Gtk object hierarchy in terms of Haskell classes.
newtype GObject = GObject (ForeignPtr GObject)
class GObjectClass o
toGObject :: GObjectClass o => o -> GObject
fromGObject :: GObjectClass o => GObject -> o
castToGObject :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> obj
newtype Drawable = Drawable (ForeignPtr Drawable)
class GObjectClass o => DrawableClass o
toDrawable :: DrawableClass o => o -> Drawable
fromDrawable :: DrawableClass o => Drawable -> o
castToDrawable :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Drawable
newtype DrawWindow = DrawWindow (ForeignPtr DrawWindow)
class DrawableClass o => DrawWindowClass o
toDrawWindow :: DrawWindowClass o => o -> DrawWindow
fromDrawWindow :: DrawWindowClass o => DrawWindow -> o
castToDrawWindow :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> DrawWindow
newtype Pixmap = Pixmap (ForeignPtr Pixmap)
class DrawableClass o => PixmapClass o
toPixmap :: PixmapClass o => o -> Pixmap
fromPixmap :: PixmapClass o => Pixmap -> o
castToPixmap :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Pixmap
newtype Colormap = Colormap (ForeignPtr Colormap)
class GObjectClass o => ColormapClass o
toColormap :: ColormapClass o => o -> Colormap
fromColormap :: ColormapClass o => Colormap -> o
castToColormap :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Colormap
newtype Screen = Screen (ForeignPtr Screen)
class GObjectClass o => ScreenClass o
toScreen :: ScreenClass o => o -> Screen
fromScreen :: ScreenClass o => Screen -> o
castToScreen :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Screen
newtype Display = Display (ForeignPtr Display)
class GObjectClass o => DisplayClass o
toDisplay :: DisplayClass o => o -> Display
fromDisplay :: DisplayClass o => Display -> o
castToDisplay :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Display
newtype Settings = Settings (ForeignPtr Settings)
class GObjectClass o => SettingsClass o
toSettings :: SettingsClass o => o -> Settings
fromSettings :: SettingsClass o => Settings -> o
castToSettings :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Settings
newtype TextBuffer = TextBuffer (ForeignPtr TextBuffer)
class GObjectClass o => TextBufferClass o
toTextBuffer :: TextBufferClass o => o -> TextBuffer
fromTextBuffer :: TextBufferClass o => TextBuffer -> o
castToTextBuffer :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TextBuffer
newtype TextTag = TextTag (ForeignPtr TextTag)
class GObjectClass o => TextTagClass o
toTextTag :: TextTagClass o => o -> TextTag
fromTextTag :: TextTagClass o => TextTag -> o
castToTextTag :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TextTag
newtype TextTagTable = TextTagTable (ForeignPtr TextTagTable)
class GObjectClass o => TextTagTableClass o
toTextTagTable :: TextTagTableClass o => o -> TextTagTable
fromTextTagTable :: TextTagTableClass o => TextTagTable -> o
castToTextTagTable :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TextTagTable
newtype Style = Style (ForeignPtr Style)
class GObjectClass o => StyleClass o
toStyle :: StyleClass o => o -> Style
fromStyle :: StyleClass o => Style -> o
castToStyle :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Style
newtype DragContext = DragContext (ForeignPtr DragContext)
class GObjectClass o => DragContextClass o
toDragContext :: DragContextClass o => o -> DragContext
fromDragContext :: DragContextClass o => DragContext -> o
castToDragContext :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> DragContext
newtype Pixbuf = Pixbuf (ForeignPtr Pixbuf)
class GObjectClass o => PixbufClass o
toPixbuf :: PixbufClass o => o -> Pixbuf
fromPixbuf :: PixbufClass o => Pixbuf -> o
castToPixbuf :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Pixbuf
newtype TextChildAnchor = TextChildAnchor (ForeignPtr TextChildAnchor)
class GObjectClass o => TextChildAnchorClass o
toTextChildAnchor :: TextChildAnchorClass o => o -> TextChildAnchor
fromTextChildAnchor :: TextChildAnchorClass o => TextChildAnchor -> o
castToTextChildAnchor :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TextChildAnchor
newtype TextMark = TextMark (ForeignPtr TextMark)
class GObjectClass o => TextMarkClass o
toTextMark :: TextMarkClass o => o -> TextMark
fromTextMark :: TextMarkClass o => TextMark -> o
castToTextMark :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TextMark
newtype Object = Object (ForeignPtr Object)
class GObjectClass o => ObjectClass o
toObject :: ObjectClass o => o -> Object
fromObject :: ObjectClass o => Object -> o
castToObject :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Object
newtype Widget = Widget (ForeignPtr Widget)
class ObjectClass o => WidgetClass o
toWidget :: WidgetClass o => o -> Widget
fromWidget :: WidgetClass o => Widget -> o
castToWidget :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Widget
newtype Misc = Misc (ForeignPtr Misc)
class WidgetClass o => MiscClass o
toMisc :: MiscClass o => o -> Misc
fromMisc :: MiscClass o => Misc -> o
castToMisc :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Misc
newtype Label = Label (ForeignPtr Label)
class MiscClass o => LabelClass o
toLabel :: LabelClass o => o -> Label
fromLabel :: LabelClass o => Label -> o
castToLabel :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Label
newtype AccelLabel = AccelLabel (ForeignPtr AccelLabel)
class LabelClass o => AccelLabelClass o
toAccelLabel :: AccelLabelClass o => o -> AccelLabel
fromAccelLabel :: AccelLabelClass o => AccelLabel -> o
castToAccelLabel :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> AccelLabel
newtype TipsQuery = TipsQuery (ForeignPtr TipsQuery)
class LabelClass o => TipsQueryClass o
toTipsQuery :: TipsQueryClass o => o -> TipsQuery
fromTipsQuery :: TipsQueryClass o => TipsQuery -> o
castToTipsQuery :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TipsQuery
newtype Arrow = Arrow (ForeignPtr Arrow)
class MiscClass o => ArrowClass o
toArrow :: ArrowClass o => o -> Arrow
fromArrow :: ArrowClass o => Arrow -> o
castToArrow :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Arrow
newtype Image = Image (ForeignPtr Image)
class MiscClass o => ImageClass o
toImage :: ImageClass o => o -> Image
fromImage :: ImageClass o => Image -> o
castToImage :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Image
newtype Container = Container (ForeignPtr Container)
class WidgetClass o => ContainerClass o
toContainer :: ContainerClass o => o -> Container
fromContainer :: ContainerClass o => Container -> o
castToContainer :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Container
newtype Bin = Bin (ForeignPtr Bin)
class ContainerClass o => BinClass o
toBin :: BinClass o => o -> Bin
fromBin :: BinClass o => Bin -> o
castToBin :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Bin
newtype Alignment = Alignment (ForeignPtr Alignment)
class BinClass o => AlignmentClass o
toAlignment :: AlignmentClass o => o -> Alignment
fromAlignment :: AlignmentClass o => Alignment -> o
castToAlignment :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Alignment
newtype Frame = Frame (ForeignPtr Frame)
class BinClass o => FrameClass o
toFrame :: FrameClass o => o -> Frame
fromFrame :: FrameClass o => Frame -> o
castToFrame :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Frame
newtype AspectFrame = AspectFrame (ForeignPtr AspectFrame)
class FrameClass o => AspectFrameClass o
toAspectFrame :: AspectFrameClass o => o -> AspectFrame
fromAspectFrame :: AspectFrameClass o => AspectFrame -> o
castToAspectFrame :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> AspectFrame
newtype Button = Button (ForeignPtr Button)
class BinClass o => ButtonClass o
toButton :: ButtonClass o => o -> Button
fromButton :: ButtonClass o => Button -> o
castToButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Button
newtype ToggleButton = ToggleButton (ForeignPtr ToggleButton)
class ButtonClass o => ToggleButtonClass o
toToggleButton :: ToggleButtonClass o => o -> ToggleButton
fromToggleButton :: ToggleButtonClass o => ToggleButton -> o
castToToggleButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ToggleButton
newtype CheckButton = CheckButton (ForeignPtr CheckButton)
class ToggleButtonClass o => CheckButtonClass o
toCheckButton :: CheckButtonClass o => o -> CheckButton
fromCheckButton :: CheckButtonClass o => CheckButton -> o
castToCheckButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CheckButton
newtype RadioButton = RadioButton (ForeignPtr RadioButton)
class CheckButtonClass o => RadioButtonClass o
toRadioButton :: RadioButtonClass o => o -> RadioButton
fromRadioButton :: RadioButtonClass o => RadioButton -> o
castToRadioButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> RadioButton
newtype OptionMenu = OptionMenu (ForeignPtr OptionMenu)
class ButtonClass o => OptionMenuClass o
toOptionMenu :: OptionMenuClass o => o -> OptionMenu
fromOptionMenu :: OptionMenuClass o => OptionMenu -> o
castToOptionMenu :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> OptionMenu
newtype Item = Item (ForeignPtr Item)
class BinClass o => ItemClass o
toItem :: ItemClass o => o -> Item
fromItem :: ItemClass o => Item -> o
castToItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Item
newtype MenuItem = MenuItem (ForeignPtr MenuItem)
class ItemClass o => MenuItemClass o
toMenuItem :: MenuItemClass o => o -> MenuItem
fromMenuItem :: MenuItemClass o => MenuItem -> o
castToMenuItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> MenuItem
newtype CheckMenuItem = CheckMenuItem (ForeignPtr CheckMenuItem)
class MenuItemClass o => CheckMenuItemClass o
toCheckMenuItem :: CheckMenuItemClass o => o -> CheckMenuItem
fromCheckMenuItem :: CheckMenuItemClass o => CheckMenuItem -> o
castToCheckMenuItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CheckMenuItem
newtype RadioMenuItem = RadioMenuItem (ForeignPtr RadioMenuItem)
class CheckMenuItemClass o => RadioMenuItemClass o
toRadioMenuItem :: RadioMenuItemClass o => o -> RadioMenuItem
fromRadioMenuItem :: RadioMenuItemClass o => RadioMenuItem -> o
castToRadioMenuItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> RadioMenuItem
newtype TearoffMenuItem = TearoffMenuItem (ForeignPtr TearoffMenuItem)
class MenuItemClass o => TearoffMenuItemClass o
toTearoffMenuItem :: TearoffMenuItemClass o => o -> TearoffMenuItem
fromTearoffMenuItem :: TearoffMenuItemClass o => TearoffMenuItem -> o
castToTearoffMenuItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TearoffMenuItem
newtype ImageMenuItem = ImageMenuItem (ForeignPtr ImageMenuItem)
class MenuItemClass o => ImageMenuItemClass o
toImageMenuItem :: ImageMenuItemClass o => o -> ImageMenuItem
fromImageMenuItem :: ImageMenuItemClass o => ImageMenuItem -> o
castToImageMenuItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ImageMenuItem
newtype ListItem = ListItem (ForeignPtr ListItem)
class ItemClass o => ListItemClass o
toListItem :: ListItemClass o => o -> ListItem
fromListItem :: ListItemClass o => ListItem -> o
castToListItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ListItem
newtype Window = Window (ForeignPtr Window)
class BinClass o => WindowClass o
toWindow :: WindowClass o => o -> Window
fromWindow :: WindowClass o => Window -> o
castToWindow :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Window
newtype Dialog = Dialog (ForeignPtr Dialog)
class WindowClass o => DialogClass o
toDialog :: DialogClass o => o -> Dialog
fromDialog :: DialogClass o => Dialog -> o
castToDialog :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Dialog
newtype ColorSelectionDialog = ColorSelectionDialog (ForeignPtr ColorSelectionDialog)
class DialogClass o => ColorSelectionDialogClass o
toColorSelectionDialog :: ColorSelectionDialogClass o => o -> ColorSelectionDialog
fromColorSelectionDialog :: ColorSelectionDialogClass o => ColorSelectionDialog -> o
castToColorSelectionDialog :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ColorSelectionDialog
newtype FileSelection = FileSelection (ForeignPtr FileSelection)
class DialogClass o => FileSelectionClass o
toFileSelection :: FileSelectionClass o => o -> FileSelection
fromFileSelection :: FileSelectionClass o => FileSelection -> o
castToFileSelection :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FileSelection
newtype FileChooserDialog = FileChooserDialog (ForeignPtr FileChooserDialog)
class DialogClass o => FileChooserDialogClass o
toFileChooserDialog :: FileChooserDialogClass o => o -> FileChooserDialog
fromFileChooserDialog :: FileChooserDialogClass o => FileChooserDialog -> o
castToFileChooserDialog :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FileChooserDialog
newtype FontSelectionDialog = FontSelectionDialog (ForeignPtr FontSelectionDialog)
class DialogClass o => FontSelectionDialogClass o
toFontSelectionDialog :: FontSelectionDialogClass o => o -> FontSelectionDialog
fromFontSelectionDialog :: FontSelectionDialogClass o => FontSelectionDialog -> o
castToFontSelectionDialog :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FontSelectionDialog
newtype InputDialog = InputDialog (ForeignPtr InputDialog)
class DialogClass o => InputDialogClass o
toInputDialog :: InputDialogClass o => o -> InputDialog
fromInputDialog :: InputDialogClass o => InputDialog -> o
castToInputDialog :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> InputDialog
newtype MessageDialog = MessageDialog (ForeignPtr MessageDialog)
class DialogClass o => MessageDialogClass o
toMessageDialog :: MessageDialogClass o => o -> MessageDialog
fromMessageDialog :: MessageDialogClass o => MessageDialog -> o
castToMessageDialog :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> MessageDialog
newtype Plug = Plug (ForeignPtr Plug)
class WindowClass o => PlugClass o
toPlug :: PlugClass o => o -> Plug
fromPlug :: PlugClass o => Plug -> o
castToPlug :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Plug
newtype EventBox = EventBox (ForeignPtr EventBox)
class BinClass o => EventBoxClass o
toEventBox :: EventBoxClass o => o -> EventBox
fromEventBox :: EventBoxClass o => EventBox -> o
castToEventBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> EventBox
newtype HandleBox = HandleBox (ForeignPtr HandleBox)
class BinClass o => HandleBoxClass o
toHandleBox :: HandleBoxClass o => o -> HandleBox
fromHandleBox :: HandleBoxClass o => HandleBox -> o
castToHandleBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HandleBox
newtype ScrolledWindow = ScrolledWindow (ForeignPtr ScrolledWindow)
class BinClass o => ScrolledWindowClass o
toScrolledWindow :: ScrolledWindowClass o => o -> ScrolledWindow
fromScrolledWindow :: ScrolledWindowClass o => ScrolledWindow -> o
castToScrolledWindow :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ScrolledWindow
newtype Viewport = Viewport (ForeignPtr Viewport)
class BinClass o => ViewportClass o
toViewport :: ViewportClass o => o -> Viewport
fromViewport :: ViewportClass o => Viewport -> o
castToViewport :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Viewport
newtype Expander = Expander (ForeignPtr Expander)
class BinClass o => ExpanderClass o
toExpander :: ExpanderClass o => o -> Expander
fromExpander :: ExpanderClass o => Expander -> o
castToExpander :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Expander
newtype ComboBox = ComboBox (ForeignPtr ComboBox)
class BinClass o => ComboBoxClass o
toComboBox :: ComboBoxClass o => o -> ComboBox
fromComboBox :: ComboBoxClass o => ComboBox -> o
castToComboBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ComboBox
newtype ComboBoxEntry = ComboBoxEntry (ForeignPtr ComboBoxEntry)
class ComboBoxClass o => ComboBoxEntryClass o
toComboBoxEntry :: ComboBoxEntryClass o => o -> ComboBoxEntry
fromComboBoxEntry :: ComboBoxEntryClass o => ComboBoxEntry -> o
castToComboBoxEntry :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ComboBoxEntry
newtype ToolItem = ToolItem (ForeignPtr ToolItem)
class BinClass o => ToolItemClass o
toToolItem :: ToolItemClass o => o -> ToolItem
fromToolItem :: ToolItemClass o => ToolItem -> o
castToToolItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ToolItem
newtype ToolButton = ToolButton (ForeignPtr ToolButton)
class ToolItemClass o => ToolButtonClass o
toToolButton :: ToolButtonClass o => o -> ToolButton
fromToolButton :: ToolButtonClass o => ToolButton -> o
castToToolButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ToolButton
newtype ToggleToolButton = ToggleToolButton (ForeignPtr ToggleToolButton)
class ToolButtonClass o => ToggleToolButtonClass o
toToggleToolButton :: ToggleToolButtonClass o => o -> ToggleToolButton
fromToggleToolButton :: ToggleToolButtonClass o => ToggleToolButton -> o
castToToggleToolButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ToggleToolButton
newtype RadioToolButton = RadioToolButton (ForeignPtr RadioToolButton)
class ToggleToolButtonClass o => RadioToolButtonClass o
toRadioToolButton :: RadioToolButtonClass o => o -> RadioToolButton
fromRadioToolButton :: RadioToolButtonClass o => RadioToolButton -> o
castToRadioToolButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> RadioToolButton
newtype SeparatorToolItem = SeparatorToolItem (ForeignPtr SeparatorToolItem)
class ToolItemClass o => SeparatorToolItemClass o
toSeparatorToolItem :: SeparatorToolItemClass o => o -> SeparatorToolItem
fromSeparatorToolItem :: SeparatorToolItemClass o => SeparatorToolItem -> o
castToSeparatorToolItem :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SeparatorToolItem
newtype Box = Box (ForeignPtr Box)
class ContainerClass o => BoxClass o
toBox :: BoxClass o => o -> Box
fromBox :: BoxClass o => Box -> o
castToBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Box
newtype ButtonBox = ButtonBox (ForeignPtr ButtonBox)
class BoxClass o => ButtonBoxClass o
toButtonBox :: ButtonBoxClass o => o -> ButtonBox
fromButtonBox :: ButtonBoxClass o => ButtonBox -> o
castToButtonBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ButtonBox
newtype HButtonBox = HButtonBox (ForeignPtr HButtonBox)
class ButtonBoxClass o => HButtonBoxClass o
toHButtonBox :: HButtonBoxClass o => o -> HButtonBox
fromHButtonBox :: HButtonBoxClass o => HButtonBox -> o
castToHButtonBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HButtonBox
newtype VButtonBox = VButtonBox (ForeignPtr VButtonBox)
class ButtonBoxClass o => VButtonBoxClass o
toVButtonBox :: VButtonBoxClass o => o -> VButtonBox
fromVButtonBox :: VButtonBoxClass o => VButtonBox -> o
castToVButtonBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VButtonBox
newtype VBox = VBox (ForeignPtr VBox)
class BoxClass o => VBoxClass o
toVBox :: VBoxClass o => o -> VBox
fromVBox :: VBoxClass o => VBox -> o
castToVBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VBox
newtype ColorSelection = ColorSelection (ForeignPtr ColorSelection)
class VBoxClass o => ColorSelectionClass o
toColorSelection :: ColorSelectionClass o => o -> ColorSelection
fromColorSelection :: ColorSelectionClass o => ColorSelection -> o
castToColorSelection :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ColorSelection
newtype FontSelection = FontSelection (ForeignPtr FontSelection)
class VBoxClass o => FontSelectionClass o
toFontSelection :: FontSelectionClass o => o -> FontSelection
fromFontSelection :: FontSelectionClass o => FontSelection -> o
castToFontSelection :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FontSelection
newtype GammaCurve = GammaCurve (ForeignPtr GammaCurve)
class VBoxClass o => GammaCurveClass o
toGammaCurve :: GammaCurveClass o => o -> GammaCurve
fromGammaCurve :: GammaCurveClass o => GammaCurve -> o
castToGammaCurve :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> GammaCurve
newtype FileChooserWidget = FileChooserWidget (ForeignPtr FileChooserWidget)
class VBoxClass o => FileChooserWidgetClass o
toFileChooserWidget :: FileChooserWidgetClass o => o -> FileChooserWidget
fromFileChooserWidget :: FileChooserWidgetClass o => FileChooserWidget -> o
castToFileChooserWidget :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FileChooserWidget
newtype HBox = HBox (ForeignPtr HBox)
class BoxClass o => HBoxClass o
toHBox :: HBoxClass o => o -> HBox
fromHBox :: HBoxClass o => HBox -> o
castToHBox :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HBox
newtype Combo = Combo (ForeignPtr Combo)
class HBoxClass o => ComboClass o
toCombo :: ComboClass o => o -> Combo
fromCombo :: ComboClass o => Combo -> o
castToCombo :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Combo
newtype Statusbar = Statusbar (ForeignPtr Statusbar)
class HBoxClass o => StatusbarClass o
toStatusbar :: StatusbarClass o => o -> Statusbar
fromStatusbar :: StatusbarClass o => Statusbar -> o
castToStatusbar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Statusbar
newtype CList = CList (ForeignPtr CList)
class ContainerClass o => CListClass o
toCList :: CListClass o => o -> CList
fromCList :: CListClass o => CList -> o
castToCList :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CList
newtype CTree = CTree (ForeignPtr CTree)
class CListClass o => CTreeClass o
toCTree :: CTreeClass o => o -> CTree
fromCTree :: CTreeClass o => CTree -> o
castToCTree :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CTree
newtype Fixed = Fixed (ForeignPtr Fixed)
class ContainerClass o => FixedClass o
toFixed :: FixedClass o => o -> Fixed
fromFixed :: FixedClass o => Fixed -> o
castToFixed :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Fixed
newtype Paned = Paned (ForeignPtr Paned)
class ContainerClass o => PanedClass o
toPaned :: PanedClass o => o -> Paned
fromPaned :: PanedClass o => Paned -> o
castToPaned :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Paned
newtype HPaned = HPaned (ForeignPtr HPaned)
class PanedClass o => HPanedClass o
toHPaned :: HPanedClass o => o -> HPaned
fromHPaned :: HPanedClass o => HPaned -> o
castToHPaned :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HPaned
newtype VPaned = VPaned (ForeignPtr VPaned)
class PanedClass o => VPanedClass o
toVPaned :: VPanedClass o => o -> VPaned
fromVPaned :: VPanedClass o => VPaned -> o
castToVPaned :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VPaned
newtype Layout = Layout (ForeignPtr Layout)
class ContainerClass o => LayoutClass o
toLayout :: LayoutClass o => o -> Layout
fromLayout :: LayoutClass o => Layout -> o
castToLayout :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Layout
newtype List = List (ForeignPtr List)
class ContainerClass o => ListClass o
toList :: ListClass o => o -> List
fromList :: ListClass o => List -> o
castToList :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> List
newtype MenuShell = MenuShell (ForeignPtr MenuShell)
class ContainerClass o => MenuShellClass o
toMenuShell :: MenuShellClass o => o -> MenuShell
fromMenuShell :: MenuShellClass o => MenuShell -> o
castToMenuShell :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> MenuShell
newtype Menu = Menu (ForeignPtr Menu)
class MenuShellClass o => MenuClass o
toMenu :: MenuClass o => o -> Menu
fromMenu :: MenuClass o => Menu -> o
castToMenu :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Menu
newtype MenuBar = MenuBar (ForeignPtr MenuBar)
class MenuShellClass o => MenuBarClass o
toMenuBar :: MenuBarClass o => o -> MenuBar
fromMenuBar :: MenuBarClass o => MenuBar -> o
castToMenuBar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> MenuBar
newtype Notebook = Notebook (ForeignPtr Notebook)
class ContainerClass o => NotebookClass o
toNotebook :: NotebookClass o => o -> Notebook
fromNotebook :: NotebookClass o => Notebook -> o
castToNotebook :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Notebook
newtype Socket = Socket (ForeignPtr Socket)
class ContainerClass o => SocketClass o
toSocket :: SocketClass o => o -> Socket
fromSocket :: SocketClass o => Socket -> o
castToSocket :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Socket
newtype Table = Table (ForeignPtr Table)
class ContainerClass o => TableClass o
toTable :: TableClass o => o -> Table
fromTable :: TableClass o => Table -> o
castToTable :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Table
newtype TextView = TextView (ForeignPtr TextView)
class ContainerClass o => TextViewClass o
toTextView :: TextViewClass o => o -> TextView
fromTextView :: TextViewClass o => TextView -> o
castToTextView :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TextView
newtype Toolbar = Toolbar (ForeignPtr Toolbar)
class ContainerClass o => ToolbarClass o
toToolbar :: ToolbarClass o => o -> Toolbar
fromToolbar :: ToolbarClass o => Toolbar -> o
castToToolbar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Toolbar
newtype TreeView = TreeView (ForeignPtr TreeView)
class ContainerClass o => TreeViewClass o
toTreeView :: TreeViewClass o => o -> TreeView
fromTreeView :: TreeViewClass o => TreeView -> o
castToTreeView :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeView
newtype Calendar = Calendar (ForeignPtr Calendar)
class WidgetClass o => CalendarClass o
toCalendar :: CalendarClass o => o -> Calendar
fromCalendar :: CalendarClass o => Calendar -> o
castToCalendar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Calendar
newtype DrawingArea = DrawingArea (ForeignPtr DrawingArea)
class WidgetClass o => DrawingAreaClass o
toDrawingArea :: DrawingAreaClass o => o -> DrawingArea
fromDrawingArea :: DrawingAreaClass o => DrawingArea -> o
castToDrawingArea :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> DrawingArea
newtype Curve = Curve (ForeignPtr Curve)
class DrawingAreaClass o => CurveClass o
toCurve :: CurveClass o => o -> Curve
fromCurve :: CurveClass o => Curve -> o
castToCurve :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Curve
newtype Entry = Entry (ForeignPtr Entry)
class WidgetClass o => EntryClass o
toEntry :: EntryClass o => o -> Entry
fromEntry :: EntryClass o => Entry -> o
castToEntry :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Entry
newtype SpinButton = SpinButton (ForeignPtr SpinButton)
class EntryClass o => SpinButtonClass o
toSpinButton :: SpinButtonClass o => o -> SpinButton
fromSpinButton :: SpinButtonClass o => SpinButton -> o
castToSpinButton :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SpinButton
newtype Ruler = Ruler (ForeignPtr Ruler)
class WidgetClass o => RulerClass o
toRuler :: RulerClass o => o -> Ruler
fromRuler :: RulerClass o => Ruler -> o
castToRuler :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Ruler
newtype HRuler = HRuler (ForeignPtr HRuler)
class RulerClass o => HRulerClass o
toHRuler :: HRulerClass o => o -> HRuler
fromHRuler :: HRulerClass o => HRuler -> o
castToHRuler :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HRuler
newtype VRuler = VRuler (ForeignPtr VRuler)
class RulerClass o => VRulerClass o
toVRuler :: VRulerClass o => o -> VRuler
fromVRuler :: VRulerClass o => VRuler -> o
castToVRuler :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VRuler
newtype Range = Range (ForeignPtr Range)
class WidgetClass o => RangeClass o
toRange :: RangeClass o => o -> Range
fromRange :: RangeClass o => Range -> o
castToRange :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Range
newtype Scale = Scale (ForeignPtr Scale)
class RangeClass o => ScaleClass o
toScale :: ScaleClass o => o -> Scale
fromScale :: ScaleClass o => Scale -> o
castToScale :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Scale
newtype HScale = HScale (ForeignPtr HScale)
class ScaleClass o => HScaleClass o
toHScale :: HScaleClass o => o -> HScale
fromHScale :: HScaleClass o => HScale -> o
castToHScale :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HScale
newtype VScale = VScale (ForeignPtr VScale)
class ScaleClass o => VScaleClass o
toVScale :: VScaleClass o => o -> VScale
fromVScale :: VScaleClass o => VScale -> o
castToVScale :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VScale
newtype Scrollbar = Scrollbar (ForeignPtr Scrollbar)
class RangeClass o => ScrollbarClass o
toScrollbar :: ScrollbarClass o => o -> Scrollbar
fromScrollbar :: ScrollbarClass o => Scrollbar -> o
castToScrollbar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Scrollbar
newtype HScrollbar = HScrollbar (ForeignPtr HScrollbar)
class ScrollbarClass o => HScrollbarClass o
toHScrollbar :: HScrollbarClass o => o -> HScrollbar
fromHScrollbar :: HScrollbarClass o => HScrollbar -> o
castToHScrollbar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HScrollbar
newtype VScrollbar = VScrollbar (ForeignPtr VScrollbar)
class ScrollbarClass o => VScrollbarClass o
toVScrollbar :: VScrollbarClass o => o -> VScrollbar
fromVScrollbar :: VScrollbarClass o => VScrollbar -> o
castToVScrollbar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VScrollbar
newtype Separator = Separator (ForeignPtr Separator)
class WidgetClass o => SeparatorClass o
toSeparator :: SeparatorClass o => o -> Separator
fromSeparator :: SeparatorClass o => Separator -> o
castToSeparator :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Separator
newtype HSeparator = HSeparator (ForeignPtr HSeparator)
class SeparatorClass o => HSeparatorClass o
toHSeparator :: HSeparatorClass o => o -> HSeparator
fromHSeparator :: HSeparatorClass o => HSeparator -> o
castToHSeparator :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> HSeparator
newtype VSeparator = VSeparator (ForeignPtr VSeparator)
class SeparatorClass o => VSeparatorClass o
toVSeparator :: VSeparatorClass o => o -> VSeparator
fromVSeparator :: VSeparatorClass o => VSeparator -> o
castToVSeparator :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> VSeparator
newtype Invisible = Invisible (ForeignPtr Invisible)
class WidgetClass o => InvisibleClass o
toInvisible :: InvisibleClass o => o -> Invisible
fromInvisible :: InvisibleClass o => Invisible -> o
castToInvisible :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Invisible
newtype Preview = Preview (ForeignPtr Preview)
class WidgetClass o => PreviewClass o
toPreview :: PreviewClass o => o -> Preview
fromPreview :: PreviewClass o => Preview -> o
castToPreview :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Preview
newtype ProgressBar = ProgressBar (ForeignPtr ProgressBar)
class WidgetClass o => ProgressBarClass o
toProgressBar :: ProgressBarClass o => o -> ProgressBar
fromProgressBar :: ProgressBarClass o => ProgressBar -> o
castToProgressBar :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ProgressBar
newtype Adjustment = Adjustment (ForeignPtr Adjustment)
class ObjectClass o => AdjustmentClass o
toAdjustment :: AdjustmentClass o => o -> Adjustment
fromAdjustment :: AdjustmentClass o => Adjustment -> o
castToAdjustment :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Adjustment
newtype IMContext = IMContext (ForeignPtr IMContext)
class ObjectClass o => IMContextClass o
toIMContext :: IMContextClass o => o -> IMContext
fromIMContext :: IMContextClass o => IMContext -> o
castToIMContext :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> IMContext
newtype IMMulticontext = IMMulticontext (ForeignPtr IMMulticontext)
class IMContextClass o => IMMulticontextClass o
toIMMulticontext :: IMMulticontextClass o => o -> IMMulticontext
fromIMMulticontext :: IMMulticontextClass o => IMMulticontext -> o
castToIMMulticontext :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> IMMulticontext
newtype ItemFactory = ItemFactory (ForeignPtr ItemFactory)
class ObjectClass o => ItemFactoryClass o
toItemFactory :: ItemFactoryClass o => o -> ItemFactory
fromItemFactory :: ItemFactoryClass o => ItemFactory -> o
castToItemFactory :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ItemFactory
newtype Tooltips = Tooltips (ForeignPtr Tooltips)
class ObjectClass o => TooltipsClass o
toTooltips :: TooltipsClass o => o -> Tooltips
fromTooltips :: TooltipsClass o => Tooltips -> o
castToTooltips :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Tooltips
newtype TreeViewColumn = TreeViewColumn (ForeignPtr TreeViewColumn)
class ObjectClass o => TreeViewColumnClass o
toTreeViewColumn :: TreeViewColumnClass o => o -> TreeViewColumn
fromTreeViewColumn :: TreeViewColumnClass o => TreeViewColumn -> o
castToTreeViewColumn :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeViewColumn
newtype CellRenderer = CellRenderer (ForeignPtr CellRenderer)
class ObjectClass o => CellRendererClass o
toCellRenderer :: CellRendererClass o => o -> CellRenderer
fromCellRenderer :: CellRendererClass o => CellRenderer -> o
castToCellRenderer :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CellRenderer
newtype CellRendererPixbuf = CellRendererPixbuf (ForeignPtr CellRendererPixbuf)
class CellRendererClass o => CellRendererPixbufClass o
toCellRendererPixbuf :: CellRendererPixbufClass o => o -> CellRendererPixbuf
fromCellRendererPixbuf :: CellRendererPixbufClass o => CellRendererPixbuf -> o
castToCellRendererPixbuf :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CellRendererPixbuf
newtype CellRendererText = CellRendererText (ForeignPtr CellRendererText)
class CellRendererClass o => CellRendererTextClass o
toCellRendererText :: CellRendererTextClass o => o -> CellRendererText
fromCellRendererText :: CellRendererTextClass o => CellRendererText -> o
castToCellRendererText :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CellRendererText
newtype CellRendererToggle = CellRendererToggle (ForeignPtr CellRendererToggle)
class CellRendererClass o => CellRendererToggleClass o
toCellRendererToggle :: CellRendererToggleClass o => o -> CellRendererToggle
fromCellRendererToggle :: CellRendererToggleClass o => CellRendererToggle -> o
castToCellRendererToggle :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> CellRendererToggle
newtype FileFilter = FileFilter (ForeignPtr FileFilter)
class ObjectClass o => FileFilterClass o
toFileFilter :: FileFilterClass o => o -> FileFilter
fromFileFilter :: FileFilterClass o => FileFilter -> o
castToFileFilter :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FileFilter
newtype TreeSelection = TreeSelection (ForeignPtr TreeSelection)
class GObjectClass o => TreeSelectionClass o
toTreeSelection :: TreeSelectionClass o => o -> TreeSelection
fromTreeSelection :: TreeSelectionClass o => TreeSelection -> o
castToTreeSelection :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeSelection
newtype TreeModel = TreeModel (ForeignPtr TreeModel)
class GObjectClass o => TreeModelClass o
toTreeModel :: TreeModelClass o => o -> TreeModel
fromTreeModel :: TreeModelClass o => TreeModel -> o
castToTreeModel :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeModel
newtype TreeStore = TreeStore (ForeignPtr TreeStore)
class TreeModelClass o => TreeStoreClass o
toTreeStore :: TreeStoreClass o => o -> TreeStore
fromTreeStore :: TreeStoreClass o => TreeStore -> o
castToTreeStore :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeStore
newtype ListStore = ListStore (ForeignPtr ListStore)
class TreeModelClass o => ListStoreClass o
toListStore :: ListStoreClass o => o -> ListStore
fromListStore :: ListStoreClass o => ListStore -> o
castToListStore :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ListStore
newtype TreeModelSort = TreeModelSort (ForeignPtr TreeModelSort)
class GObjectClass o => TreeModelSortClass o
toTreeModelSort :: TreeModelSortClass o => o -> TreeModelSort
fromTreeModelSort :: TreeModelSortClass o => TreeModelSort -> o
castToTreeModelSort :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeModelSort
newtype IconFactory = IconFactory (ForeignPtr IconFactory)
class GObjectClass o => IconFactoryClass o
toIconFactory :: IconFactoryClass o => o -> IconFactory
fromIconFactory :: IconFactoryClass o => IconFactory -> o
castToIconFactory :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> IconFactory
newtype SizeGroup = SizeGroup (ForeignPtr SizeGroup)
class GObjectClass o => SizeGroupClass o
toSizeGroup :: SizeGroupClass o => o -> SizeGroup
fromSizeGroup :: SizeGroupClass o => SizeGroup -> o
castToSizeGroup :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SizeGroup
newtype Clipboard = Clipboard (ForeignPtr Clipboard)
class GObjectClass o => ClipboardClass o
toClipboard :: ClipboardClass o => o -> Clipboard
fromClipboard :: ClipboardClass o => Clipboard -> o
castToClipboard :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Clipboard
newtype AccelGroup = AccelGroup (ForeignPtr AccelGroup)
class GObjectClass o => AccelGroupClass o
toAccelGroup :: AccelGroupClass o => o -> AccelGroup
fromAccelGroup :: AccelGroupClass o => AccelGroup -> o
castToAccelGroup :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> AccelGroup
newtype AccelMap = AccelMap (ForeignPtr AccelMap)
class GObjectClass o => AccelMapClass o
toAccelMap :: AccelMapClass o => o -> AccelMap
fromAccelMap :: AccelMapClass o => AccelMap -> o
castToAccelMap :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> AccelMap
newtype EntryCompletion = EntryCompletion (ForeignPtr EntryCompletion)
class GObjectClass o => EntryCompletionClass o
toEntryCompletion :: EntryCompletionClass o => o -> EntryCompletion
fromEntryCompletion :: EntryCompletionClass o => EntryCompletion -> o
castToEntryCompletion :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> EntryCompletion
newtype Action = Action (ForeignPtr Action)
class GObjectClass o => ActionClass o
toAction :: ActionClass o => o -> Action
fromAction :: ActionClass o => Action -> o
castToAction :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Action
newtype ToggleAction = ToggleAction (ForeignPtr ToggleAction)
class ActionClass o => ToggleActionClass o
toToggleAction :: ToggleActionClass o => o -> ToggleAction
fromToggleAction :: ToggleActionClass o => ToggleAction -> o
castToToggleAction :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ToggleAction
newtype RadioAction = RadioAction (ForeignPtr RadioAction)
class ToggleActionClass o => RadioActionClass o
toRadioAction :: RadioActionClass o => o -> RadioAction
fromRadioAction :: RadioActionClass o => RadioAction -> o
castToRadioAction :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> RadioAction
newtype ActionGroup = ActionGroup (ForeignPtr ActionGroup)
class GObjectClass o => ActionGroupClass o
toActionGroup :: ActionGroupClass o => o -> ActionGroup
fromActionGroup :: ActionGroupClass o => ActionGroup -> o
castToActionGroup :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> ActionGroup
newtype UIManager = UIManager (ForeignPtr UIManager)
class GObjectClass o => UIManagerClass o
toUIManager :: UIManagerClass o => o -> UIManager
fromUIManager :: UIManagerClass o => UIManager -> o
castToUIManager :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> UIManager
newtype Editable = Editable (ForeignPtr Editable)
class GObjectClass o => EditableClass o
toEditable :: EditableClass o => o -> Editable
fromEditable :: EditableClass o => Editable -> o
castToEditable :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Editable
newtype FileChooser = FileChooser (ForeignPtr FileChooser)
class GObjectClass o => FileChooserClass o
toFileChooser :: FileChooserClass o => o -> FileChooser
fromFileChooser :: FileChooserClass o => FileChooser -> o
castToFileChooser :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FileChooser
newtype GC = GC (ForeignPtr GC)
class GObjectClass o => GCClass o
toGC :: GCClass o => o -> GC
fromGC :: GCClass o => GC -> o
castToGC :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> GC
newtype PangoContext = PangoContext (ForeignPtr PangoContext)
class GObjectClass o => PangoContextClass o
toPangoContext :: PangoContextClass o => o -> PangoContext
fromPangoContext :: PangoContextClass o => PangoContext -> o
castToPangoContext :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> PangoContext
newtype PangoLayout = PangoLayout (ForeignPtr PangoLayout)
class GObjectClass o => PangoLayoutClass o
toPangoLayout :: PangoLayoutClass o => o -> PangoLayout
fromPangoLayout :: PangoLayoutClass o => PangoLayout -> o
castToPangoLayout :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> PangoLayout
newtype Font = Font (ForeignPtr Font)
class GObjectClass o => FontClass o
toFont :: FontClass o => o -> Font
fromFont :: FontClass o => Font -> o
castToFont :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Font
newtype FontFamily = FontFamily (ForeignPtr FontFamily)
class GObjectClass o => FontFamilyClass o
toFontFamily :: FontFamilyClass o => o -> FontFamily
fromFontFamily :: FontFamilyClass o => FontFamily -> o
castToFontFamily :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FontFamily
newtype FontFace = FontFace (ForeignPtr FontFace)
class GObjectClass o => FontFaceClass o
toFontFace :: FontFaceClass o => o -> FontFace
fromFontFace :: FontFaceClass o => FontFace -> o
castToFontFace :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FontFace
newtype FontMap = FontMap (ForeignPtr FontMap)
class GObjectClass o => FontMapClass o
toFontMap :: FontMapClass o => o -> FontMap
fromFontMap :: FontMapClass o => FontMap -> o
castToFontMap :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FontMap
newtype FontSet = FontSet (ForeignPtr FontSet)
class GObjectClass o => FontSetClass o
toFontSet :: FontSetClass o => o -> FontSet
fromFontSet :: FontSetClass o => FontSet -> o
castToFontSet :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> FontSet
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