Haksell Platform proposal: Add JuicyPixels

Vincent Berthoux vincent.berthoux at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 13:06:50 GMT 2013

Regarding the API revision, the last one was a 'future proofing' one : Up
until now, the image data type was only able to handle images with byte as
basic component. With the the major breakage of the 3.0 version it has
become feasible to introduce other bit depth. For example 32bit floating
point has been introduced for the radiance format in this framework.

As the long term goal was to be in the Haskell Platform, I made these
modification _before_ the proposal. So the API should remain stable, and
I'd like to point out that the "Image" data type which is the core of the
library and the different reading and writing functions didn't change since
the 1.0 version of the library.

2013/1/29 Mark Lentczner <mark.lentczner at gmail.com>

> Having image libraries is definitely something in scope for HP. My concern
> with JuicyPixels is simply that it is too new:
> 1) It has been through several major API revisions within the last 6
> months. The most recent of which was just a week ago.
> 2) There doesn't seem to be a lot of experience using it: either reverse
> deps. within Hackage, or a body of applications using it that we know about.
> This package doesn't seem mature enough to be in the Platform
> - Mark
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