Haksell Platform proposal: Add JuicyPixels

Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 18:07:21 GMT 2013

> no reverse dependencies on Hackage (besides JuicyPixels-repa)

This isn't true.  Free-game is a revdep (of jp-repa, but that doesn't
make jp any less depended on).

> benchmarks would be nice -- how competitive is it performance-wise to e.g.
> imagemagick or imlib?

Just answered, thankfully.  Do we have a bar for HP package
performance competitiveness?  It's nice to know they aren't dog-slow,
but beyond that?

> only a handful of file types supported

But all the critical ones.  It's not like SVG can be represented in
anything approaching the same manner.

To me including JP in HP is a matter of scope.  If JuicyPixels is in
scope then it should probably be included (perhaps after some polish
that the community identifies is needed).  If JuicyPixels is not in
scope then it would be nice to have the scope identified.


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