[haskell-llvm] pushing llvm-base with patched setup.hs to hackage

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Fri May 17 21:19:25 BST 2013

On Fri, 17 May 2013, Carter Schonwald wrote:

> https://github.com/bos/llvm/blob/master/base/Setup.hs#L90-L116 this is the change I made. It does not change
> ANYTHING within the build process aside from making  llvm-base buildable with  cabal > 1.16 as well as the
> current <= 1.16 setup

I see. Since the comment qualifies the code to be a "horrible hack" and 
using Template Haskell in Setup.hs looks awful to me by itself - can you 
explain, what problem it shall solve and why do you think that this "hack" 
is the only or the best way to solve the problem? My experience is that it 
is even more difficult to get Template Haskell code running on different 
GHC versions, since TH changes with almost every GHC version.

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