Portability | unportable |
Stability | unstable |
Maintainer | Ilya Portnov <portnov84@rambler.ru> |
Similar to XMonad.Util.WindowProperties, but uses posix regular expressions matching instead of exact match.
- data PropertyRE = RE Property
- (~?) :: Functor f => f String -> String -> f Bool
- propertyToQueryRE :: Property -> Query Bool
- hasPropertyRE :: PropertyRE -> Window -> X Bool
data PropertyRE Source
A wrapper for X.U.WindowProperties.Property. Checks using regular expression.
propertyToQueryRE :: Property -> Query BoolSource
Similar to XMonad.Util.WindowProperties.propertyToQuery, but uses regexp match instead of exact match
hasPropertyRE :: PropertyRE -> Window -> X BoolSource
Does given window have this property?