
Adds extra useful methods for TextIter for searching forwards and backwards within a region in the buffer and matching brackets.

  • There is no SourceIter object, just extra methods for TextIter
sourceIterForwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [SourceSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))
sourceIterBackwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [SourceSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))
sourceIterFindMatchingBracket :: TextIter -> IO Bool
sourceIterForwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [SourceSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))
same as textIterForwardSearch but allows case insensitive search and possibly in the future regular expressions.
sourceIterBackwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [SourceSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter))
same as textIterForwardSearch but allows case insensitive search and possibly in the future regular expressions.
sourceIterFindMatchingBracket :: TextIter -> IO Bool

Tries to match the bracket character currently at the given iter with its opening/closing counterpart, and if found moves iter to the position where it was found.

Produced by Haddock version 0.6