labelNew :: Maybe String -> IO Label
labelNewWithMnemonic :: String -> IO Label
labelSetText :: LabelClass l => l -> String -> IO ()
labelSetLabel :: LabelClass l => l -> String -> IO ()
labelSetTextWithMnemonic :: LabelClass l => l -> String -> IO ()
module Markup
labelSetMarkup :: LabelClass l => l -> Markup -> IO ()
labelSetMarkupWithMnemonic :: LabelClass l => l -> Markup -> IO ()
labelSetMnemonicWidget :: (LabelClass l, WidgetClass w) => l -> w -> IO ()
labelGetMnemonicWidget :: LabelClass l => l -> IO (Maybe Widget)
type KeyVal = CUInt
labelGetMnemonicKeyval :: LabelClass l => l -> IO KeyVal
labelSetUseMarkup :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
labelGetUseMarkup :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
labelSetUseUnderline :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
labelGetUseUnderline :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
labelGetText :: LabelClass l => l -> IO String
labelGetLabel :: LabelClass l => l -> IO String
labelSetPattern :: LabelClass l => l -> [Int] -> IO ()
data Justification
= JustifyLeft
| JustifyRight
| JustifyCenter
| JustifyFill
labelSetJustify :: LabelClass l => l -> Justification -> IO ()
labelGetJustify :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Justification
labelGetLayout :: LabelClass l => l -> IO PangoLayout
labelSetLineWrap :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
labelGetLineWrap :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
labelSetSelectable :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
labelGetSelectable :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
labelSelectRegion :: LabelClass l => l -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
labelGetSelectionBounds :: LabelClass l => l -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int))
labelGetLayoutOffsets :: LabelClass l => l -> IO (Int, Int)
labelNew :: Maybe String -> IO Label
Create a new label widget.
labelNewWithMnemonic :: String -> IO Label

Create a new label widget with accelerator key.

  • Each underscore in str is converted into an underlined character in the label. Entering this character will activate the label widget or any other widget set with labelSetMnemonicWidget.
labelSetText :: LabelClass l => l -> String -> IO ()
Set the text the label widget shows.
labelSetLabel :: LabelClass l => l -> String -> IO ()
The label is interpreted as including embedded underlines and/or Pango markup depending on the markup and underline properties.
labelSetTextWithMnemonic :: LabelClass l => l -> String -> IO ()
Set the label to a markup string and interpret keyboard accelerators.
module Markup
labelSetMarkup :: LabelClass l => l -> Markup -> IO ()
Set the label to a markup string.
labelSetMarkupWithMnemonic :: LabelClass l => l -> Markup -> IO ()
Set the label to a markup string and interpret keyboard accelerators.
labelSetMnemonicWidget :: (LabelClass l, WidgetClass w) => l -> w -> IO ()
Set an explicit widget for which to emit the "mnemonic_activate" signal if an underlined character is pressed.
labelGetMnemonicWidget :: LabelClass l => l -> IO (Maybe Widget)
Retrieves the target of the mnemonic (keyboard shortcut) of this label, or Nothing if none has been set and the default algorithm will be used.
type KeyVal = CUInt
KeyVal is a synonym for a hot key number.
labelGetMnemonicKeyval :: LabelClass l => l -> IO KeyVal
Get the keyval for the underlined character in the label.
labelSetUseMarkup :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
Sets whether the text of the label contains markup in Pango's text markup language.
labelGetUseMarkup :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
Returns whether the label's text is interpreted as marked up with the Pango text markup language.
labelSetUseUnderline :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
If True, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
labelGetUseUnderline :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
Returns whether an embedded underline in the label indicates a mnemonic.
labelGetText :: LabelClass l => l -> IO String
Get the text stored in the label. This does not include any embedded underlines indicating mnemonics or Pango markup.
labelGetLabel :: LabelClass l => l -> IO String
Get the text from a label widget including any embedded underlines indicating mnemonics and Pango markup.
labelSetPattern :: LabelClass l => l -> [Int] -> IO ()
Underline parts of the text, odd indices of the list represent underlined parts.
data Justification
justification for label and maybe other widgets (text?)
Enum Justification
labelSetJustify :: LabelClass l => l -> Justification -> IO ()
Set the justification of the label.
labelGetJustify :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Justification
Get the justification of the label.
labelGetLayout :: LabelClass l => l -> IO PangoLayout
Gets the PangoLayout used to display the label.
labelSetLineWrap :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
Set wether lines should be wrapped (True) or truncated (False).
labelGetLineWrap :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
Returns whether lines in the label are automatically wrapped.
labelSetSelectable :: LabelClass l => l -> Bool -> IO ()
Make a label text selectable.
labelGetSelectable :: LabelClass l => l -> IO Bool
Get whether the text selectable.
labelSelectRegion :: LabelClass l => l -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
Select a region in the label.
labelGetSelectionBounds :: LabelClass l => l -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int))
Gets the selected range of characters in the label, if any. If there is a range selected the result is the start and end of the selection as character offsets.
labelGetLayoutOffsets :: LabelClass l => l -> IO (Int, Int)
Get starting cooridinates of text rendering.
Produced by Haddock version 0.6