Matrix math
data Matrix = Matrix !Double !Double !Double !Double !Double !Double
type MatrixPtr = Ptr Matrix
identity :: Matrix
translate :: Double -> Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
scale :: Double -> Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
rotate :: Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
transformDistance :: Matrix -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
transformPoint :: Matrix -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
scalarMultiply :: Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
adjoint :: Matrix -> Matrix
invert :: Matrix -> Matrix
data Matrix

Representation of a 2-D affine transformation as a matrix.

The Matrix type actually represents as 3x3 matrix but with some elements are constant and so are not included. Specifically if we assume that our coordinates are row vectors then correspondence is:

    Matrix xx yx xy yy x0 y0
    / xx yx 0 \
    | xy yy 0 |
    \ x0 y0 1 /

and the matrix operates on (x,y) coordinates:

 (x y 1) / xx yx 0 \  = (x' y' 1)
         | xy yy 0 |  where x' = xx * x + xy * y + x0
         \ x0 y0 1 /        y' = yx * x + yy * y + y0
Matrix !Double !Double !Double !Double !Double !Double
show/hide Instances
type MatrixPtr = Ptr Matrix
identity :: Matrix
translate :: Double -> Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
scale :: Double -> Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
rotate :: Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
transformDistance :: Matrix -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
transformPoint :: Matrix -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
scalarMultiply :: Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
adjoint :: Matrix -> Matrix
invert :: Matrix -> Matrix
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