gtk-0.11.0: Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library.ContentsIndex
Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Class Hierarchy
A base class for menu objects
data MenuShell
class ContainerClass o => MenuShellClass o
castToMenuShell :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> MenuShell
gTypeMenuShell :: GType
toMenuShell :: MenuShellClass o => o -> MenuShell
menuShellAppend :: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass child) => self -> child -> IO ()
menuShellPrepend :: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass child) => self -> child -> IO ()
menuShellInsert :: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass child) => self -> child -> Int -> IO ()
menuShellDeactivate :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO ()
menuShellActivateItem :: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass menuItem) => self -> menuItem -> Bool -> IO ()
menuShellSelectItem :: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass menuItem) => self -> menuItem -> IO ()
menuShellDeselect :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO ()
menuShellSelectFirst :: MenuShellClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
menuShellCancel :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO ()
menuShellSetTakeFocus :: MenuShellClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
menuShellGetTakeFocus :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO Bool
menuShellTakeFocus :: MenuShellClass self => Attr self Bool
onActivateCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterActivateCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
onCancel :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterCancel :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
onDeactivated :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterDeactivated :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
data MenuDirectionType
= MenuDirParent
| MenuDirChild
| MenuDirNext
| MenuDirPrev
onMoveCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (MenuDirectionType -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterMoveCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (MenuDirectionType -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
onSelectionDone :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterSelectionDone :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)

A MenuShell is the abstract base class used to derive the Menu and MenuBar subclasses.

A MenuShell is a container of MenuItem objects arranged in a list which can be navigated, selected, and activated by the user to perform application functions. A MenuItem can have a submenu associated with it, allowing for nested hierarchical menus.

Class Hierarchy
 | GObject
 | +----Object
 | +----Widget
 | +----Container
 | +----MenuShell
 | +----MenuBar
 | +----Menu
data MenuShell
show/hide Instances
class ContainerClass o => MenuShellClass o
show/hide Instances
castToMenuShell :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> MenuShell
gTypeMenuShell :: GType
toMenuShell :: MenuShellClass o => o -> MenuShell
:: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass child)
=> self
-> childchild - The MenuItem to add.
-> IO ()
Adds a new MenuItem to the end of the menu shell's item list.
:: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass child)
=> self
-> childchild - The MenuItem to add.
-> IO ()
Adds a new MenuItem to the beginning of the menu shell's item list.
:: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass child)
=> self
-> childchild - The MenuItem to add.
-> Intposition - The position in the item list where child is added. Positions are numbered from 0 to n-1.
-> IO ()
Adds a new MenuItem to the menu shell's item list at the position indicated by position.
menuShellDeactivate :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO ()
Deactivates the menu shell. Typically this results in the menu shell being erased from the screen.
:: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass menuItem)
=> self
-> menuItemmenuItem - The MenuItem to activate.
-> BoolforceDeactivate - If True, force the deactivation of the menu shell after the menu item is activated.
-> IO ()
Activates the menu item within the menu shell. If the menu was deactivated and forceDeactivate is set, the previously deactivated menu is reactivated.
:: (MenuShellClass self, MenuItemClass menuItem)
=> self
-> menuItemmenuItem - The MenuItem to select.
-> IO ()
Selects the menu item from the menu shell.
menuShellDeselect :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO ()
Deselects the currently selected item from the menu shell, if any.
:: MenuShellClass self
=> self
-> BoolsearchSensitive - if True, search for the first selectable menu item, otherwise select nothing if the first item isn't sensitive. This should be False if the menu is being popped up initially.
-> IO ()

Select the first visible or selectable child of the menu shell; don't select tearoff items unless the only item is a tearoff item.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.2
menuShellCancel :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO ()

Cancels the selection within the menu shell.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.4
:: MenuShellClass self
=> self
-> BooltakeFocus - True if the menu shell should take the keyboard focus on popup.
-> IO ()

If takeFocus is True (the default) the menu shell will take the keyboard focus so that it will receive all keyboard events which is needed to enable keyboard navigation in menus.

Setting takeFocus to False is useful only for special applications like virtual keyboard implementations which should not take keyboard focus.

The takeFocus state of a menu or menu bar is automatically propagated to submenus whenever a submenu is popped up, so you don't have to worry about recursively setting it for your entire menu hierarchy. Only when programmatically picking a submenu and popping it up manually, the takeFocus property of the submenu needs to be set explicitely.

Note that setting it to False has side-effects:

If the focus is in some other app, it keeps the focus and keynav in the menu doesn't work. Consequently, keynav on the menu will only work if the focus is on some toplevel owned by the onscreen keyboard.

To avoid confusing the user, menus with takeFocus set to False should not display mnemonics or accelerators, since it cannot be guaranteed that they will work.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.8
:: MenuShellClass self
=> self
-> IO Boolreturns True if the menu shell will take the keyboard focus on popup.

Returns True if the menu shell will take the keyboard focus on popup.

  • Available since Gtk+ version 2.8
menuShellTakeFocus :: MenuShellClass self => Attr self Bool

A boolean that determines whether the menu and its submenus grab the keyboard focus. See menuShellSetTakeFocus and menuShellGetTakeFocus.

Default value: True

onActivateCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterActivateCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
This signal is called if an item is activated. The boolean flag hide is True whenever the menu will behidden after this action.
onCancel :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterCancel :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
This signal will be emitted when a selection is aborted and thus does not lead to an activation. This is in contrast to the selection done signal which is always emitted.
onDeactivated :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterDeactivated :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
This signal is sent whenever the menu shell is deactivated (hidden).
data MenuDirectionType
From where was a menu item entered?
show/hide Instances
onMoveCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (MenuDirectionType -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterMoveCurrent :: MenuShellClass self => self -> (MenuDirectionType -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId self)
This signal is emitted for each move the cursor makes.
onSelectionDone :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
afterSelectionDone :: MenuShellClass self => self -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId self)
This signal is emitted when the user finished using the menu. Note that this signal is emitted even if no menu item was activated.
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2