diagrams-contrib-1.3.0: Collection of user contributions to diagrams EDSL

Copyright(c) 2011 Brent Yorgey
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




A collection of methods for laying out various kinds of trees. This module is still experimental, and more layout methods will probably be added over time.

Laying out a rose tree using a symmetric layout:

import Data.Tree
import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree

t1 = Node 'A' [Node 'B' (map lf "CDE"), Node 'F' [Node 'G' (map lf "HIJ")]]
  where lf x = Node x []

exampleSymmTree =
  renderTree ((<> circle 1 # fc white) . text . (:[]))
             (symmLayout' (with & slHSep .~ 4 & slVSep .~ 4) t1)
  # centerXY # pad 1.1

Laying out a rose tree of diagrams, with spacing automatically adjusted for the size of the diagrams:

import Data.Tree
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree

tD = Node (rect 1 3)
       [ Node (circle 0.2) []
       , Node (hcat . replicate 3 $ circle 1) []
       , Node (eqTriangle 5) []

exampleSymmTreeWithDs =
  renderTree id (~~)
  (symmLayout' (with & slWidth  .~ fromMaybe (0,0) . extentX
                     & slHeight .~ fromMaybe (0,0) . extentY)
  # centerXY # pad 1.1

Using a variant symmetric layout algorithm specifically for binary trees:

import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree

drawT = maybe mempty (renderTree (const (circle 0.05 # fc black)) (~~))
      . symmLayoutBin' (with & slVSep .~ 0.5)

tree500 = drawT t # centerXY # pad 1.1
  where t = genTree 500 0.05
        -- genTree 500 0.05 randomly generates trees of size 500 +/- 5%,
        -- definition not shown

Using force-based layout on a binary tree:

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree

t 0 = Empty
t n = BNode n (t (n-1)) (t (n-1))

Just t' = uniqueXLayout 1 1 (t 4)

fblEx = renderTree (\n -> (text (show n) # fontSizeL 0.5
                            <> circle 0.3 # fc white))
            (forceLayoutTree t')
        # centerXY # pad 1.1


Binary trees

There is a standard type of rose trees (Tree) defined in the containers package, but there is no standard type for binary trees, so we define one here. Note, if you want to draw binary trees with data of type a at the leaves, you can use something like BTree (Maybe a) with Nothing at internal nodes; renderTree lets you specify how to draw each node.

data BTree a Source

Binary trees with data at internal nodes.


BNode a (BTree a) (BTree a) 


Functor BTree 
Foldable BTree 
Traversable BTree 
Eq a => Eq (BTree a) 
Ord a => Ord (BTree a) 
Read a => Read (BTree a) 
Show a => Show (BTree a) 

leaf :: a -> BTree a Source

Convenient constructor for leaves.

Layout algorithms

Unique-x layout

uniqueXLayout :: Num n => n -> n -> BTree a -> Maybe (Tree (a, P2 n)) Source

uniqueXLayout xSep ySep t lays out the binary tree t using a simple recursive algorithm with the following properties:

  • Every left subtree is completely to the left of its parent, and similarly for right subtrees.
  • All the nodes at a given depth in the tree have the same y-coordinate. The separation distance between levels is given by ySep.
  • Every node has a unique x-coordinate. The separation between successive nodes from left to right is given by xSep.

Symmetric layout

"Symmetric" layout of rose trees, based on the algorithm described in:

Andrew J. Kennedy. Drawing Trees, J Func. Prog. 6 (3): 527-534, May 1996.

Trees laid out using this algorithm satisfy:

  1. Nodes at a given level are always separated by at least a given minimum distance.
  2. Parent nodes are centered with respect to their immediate offspring (though not necessarily with respect to the entire subtrees under them).
  3. Layout commutes with mirroring: that is, the layout of a given tree is the mirror image of the layout of the tree's mirror image. Put another way, there is no inherent left or right bias.
  4. Identical subtrees are always rendered identically. Put another way, the layout of any subtree is independent of the rest of the tree.
  5. The layouts are as narrow as possible while satisfying all the above constraints.

symmLayout :: (Fractional n, Ord n) => Tree a -> Tree (a, P2 n) Source

Run the symmetric rose tree layout algorithm on a given tree using default options, resulting in the same tree annotated with node positions.

symmLayout' :: (Fractional n, Ord n) => SymmLayoutOpts n a -> Tree a -> Tree (a, P2 n) Source

Run the symmetric rose tree layout algorithm on a given tree, resulting in the same tree annotated with node positions.

symmLayoutBin :: (Fractional n, Ord n) => BTree a -> Maybe (Tree (a, P2 n)) Source

Lay out a binary tree using a slight variant of the symmetric layout algorithm, using default options. In particular, if a node has only a left child but no right child (or vice versa), the child will be offset from the parent horizontally by half the horizontal separation parameter. Note that the result will be Nothing if and only if the input tree is Empty.

symmLayoutBin' :: (Fractional n, Ord n) => SymmLayoutOpts n a -> BTree a -> Maybe (Tree (a, P2 n)) Source

Lay out a binary tree using a slight variant of the symmetric layout algorithm. In particular, if a node has only a left child but no right child (or vice versa), the child will be offset from the parent horizontally by half the horizontal separation parameter. Note that the result will be Nothing if and only if the input tree is Empty.

data SymmLayoutOpts n a Source

Options for controlling the symmetric tree layout algorithm.




_slHSep :: n

Minimum horizontal separation between sibling nodes. The default is 1.

_slVSep :: n

Vertical separation between adjacent levels of the tree. The default is 1.

_slWidth :: a -> (n, n)

A function for measuring the horizontal extent (a pair of x-coordinates) of an item in the tree. The default is const (0,0), that is, the nodes are considered as taking up no space, so the centers of the nodes will be separated according to the slHSep and slVSep. However, this can be useful, e.g. if you have a tree of diagrams of irregular size and want to make sure no diagrams overlap. In that case you could use fromMaybe (0,0) . extentX.

_slHeight :: a -> (n, n)

A function for measuring the vertical extent of an item in the tree. The default is const (0,0). See the documentation for slWidth for more information.


slHSep :: forall n a. Lens' (SymmLayoutOpts n a) n Source

slVSep :: forall n a. Lens' (SymmLayoutOpts n a) n Source

slWidth :: forall n a. Lens' (SymmLayoutOpts n a) (a -> (n, n)) Source

slHeight :: forall n a. Lens' (SymmLayoutOpts n a) (a -> (n, n)) Source

Force-directed layout

Force-directed layout of rose trees.

forceLayoutTree :: (Floating n, Ord n) => Tree (a, P2 n) -> Tree (a, P2 n) Source

Force-directed layout of rose trees, with default parameters (for more options, see forceLayoutTree'). In particular,

  • edges are modeled as springs
  • nodes are modeled as point charges
  • nodes are constrained to keep the same y-coordinate.

The input could be a tree already laid out by some other method, such as uniqueXLayout.

forceLayoutTree' :: (Floating n, Ord n) => ForceLayoutTreeOpts n -> Tree (a, P2 n) -> Tree (a, P2 n) Source

Force-directed layout of rose trees, with configurable parameters.

data ForceLayoutTreeOpts n Source




_forceLayoutOpts :: ForceLayoutOpts n

Options to the force layout simulator, including damping.

_edgeLen :: n

How long edges should be, ideally. This will be the resting length for the springs.

_springK :: n

Spring constant. The bigger the constant, the more the edges push/pull towards their resting length.

_staticK :: n

Coulomb constant. The bigger the constant, the more sibling nodes repel each other.

treeToEnsemble :: forall a n. Floating n => ForceLayoutTreeOpts n -> Tree (a, P2 n) -> (Tree (a, PID), Ensemble V2 n) Source

Assign unique ID numbers to the nodes of a tree, and generate an Ensemble suitable for simulating in order to do force-directed layout of the tree. In particular,

  • edges are modeled as springs
  • nodes are modeled as point charges
  • nodes are constrained to keep the same y-coordinate.

The input to treeToEnsemble could be a tree already laid out by some other method, such as uniqueXLayout.

label :: Traversable t => t a -> t (a, PID) Source

Assign unique IDs to every node in a tree (or other traversable structure).

reconstruct :: (Functor t, Num n) => Ensemble V2 n -> t (a, PID) -> t (a, P2 n) Source

Reconstruct a tree (or any traversable structure) from an Ensemble, given unique identifier annotations matching the identifiers used in the Ensemble.


renderTree :: (Monoid' m, Floating n, Ord n) => (a -> QDiagram b V2 n m) -> (P2 n -> P2 n -> QDiagram b V2 n m) -> Tree (a, P2 n) -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source

Draw a tree annotated with node positions, given functions specifying how to draw nodes and edges.

renderTree' :: (Monoid' m, Floating n, Ord n) => (a -> QDiagram b V2 n m) -> ((a, P2 n) -> (a, P2 n) -> QDiagram b V2 n m) -> Tree (a, P2 n) -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source

Draw a tree annotated with node positions, given functions specifying how to draw nodes and edges. Unlike renderTree, this version gives the edge-drawing function access to the actual values stored at the nodes rather than just their positions.