Experimenting with a dynamic network monitor

Reto Hablützel rethab at rethab.ch
Wed Aug 29 22:28:25 BST 2012

Hello there

I've been experimenting with a new dynamic networking plugin for xmobar.
What it does is, of a list of configured devices, it shows the most active
on the status bar. For me, this was quite handy as I am constantly changing
between wired and wireless connection.

If you have some time, please try it out and tell me your suggestions and
ideas on how to make it better. Once I have a stable version, I will open a
pull request for the master branch at joar's (unless it turns out to be

I use this configuration in my .xmobarrc:
 Run DynNetwork ["eth0", "wlan0"]
["-L","0","-H","32","--normal","green","--high","red"] 10

So it is essentially the same as the normal Network plugin except that it
takes a list of devices to scan.

What I want to improve:
 - instead of configuring a list, search for networks devices automatically
 - smarter algorithm to decide which one to display if neither is

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