Getting message "Could not parse the template" after upgrade
Richard Carter
ricky28269 at
Wed Aug 17 18:20:57 BST 2011
Thanks, I don't think I need to be on the list, just wanted to make sure I
didn't miss a response.
I did try another separator (parentheses). It seems like it's having an
issue with the text to the left of the separators, since the separator is
still working as are the commands in the right side of the template. But as
I said, I removed the hyphens and tried the color tags and neither fixed it.
For now I was able to successfully revert back to 0.12 (-6 I think?) and my
xmobarrc is working.
Hopefully you'll be able to reproduce the problem. I can give you more
details about my system if you need.
On Aug 17, 2011 11:34 AM, "Jose A. Ortega Ruiz" <jao at> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> On Wed, Aug 17 2011, Richard Carter wrote:
>> Hi xmobar people!
>> I updated a computer this morning which doesn't often get updates, so
>> it just updated to xmobar 0.13-2 from the Arch community
>> repository. However now when I run xmonad, I get a bar which looks
>> like this:
>> Could not parse the template }{ 93 | Wed Aug 17 2011 11:21:45AM
>> where }{ is the alignSep, working as it should (the text to the left of
it is left-aligned, and the battery
>> and date are in the top right).
>> So clearly it's having an issue parsing my template. Which I didn't touch
before or after the upgrade. I
>> haven't touched it in months. Here is the contents of my xmobarrc file:
>> Config
>> { bgColor = "black"
>> , fgColor = "grey"
>> , position = Top
>> , lowerOnStart = True
>> , commands =
>> [ Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y %I:%M:%S%p" "date" 10
>> , Run Com "uname" ["-s","-r"] "" 36000
>> , Run BatteryP ["BAT0"] ["-t","<left>","--","-O","[on] ","-o",""] 50
>> ]
>> , alignSep = "}{"
>> , sepChar = "%"
>> , template = "mod-p, mod-shift-enter, mod-shift-q }{ %battery% | %date%"
>> }
>> Any idea what could be breaking? I've tried removing the hyphens in
>> the text, surrounding it with <fc=#FFFFFF> </fc>, and removing the
>> alignSep. Google is showing nothing, except a person who removed their
>> alignSep to success - and I'd rather not do that, because I want
>> things to be in the top-left and top-right.
> Hmm. There's a known issue/feature when the align seps are generated,
> but that is not your case. I cannot right now check by myself whether i
> can reproduce the problem... have you tried to use other separators?
> (e.g. "][")
>> Thanks for any help!!
>> Richard
>> P.S. I signed up to the mailing list but not yet sure if I am actually
>> receiving the messages, so please reply directly to me (CC the mailing
>> list if you want).
> I cannot see you in the list of subscribers, so i guess something went
> wrong. I can add your email manually if you want me to.
> Cheers,
> jao
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