Getting message "Could not parse the template" after upgrade
Jose A. Ortega Ruiz
jao at
Wed Aug 17 16:34:29 BST 2011
Hi Richard,
On Wed, Aug 17 2011, Richard Carter wrote:
> Hi xmobar people!
> I updated a computer this morning which doesn't often get updates, so
> it just updated to xmobar 0.13-2 from the Arch community
> repository. However now when I run xmonad, I get a bar which looks
> like this:
> Could not parse the template }{ 93 | Wed Aug 17 2011 11:21:45AM
> where }{ is the alignSep, working as it should (the text to the left of it is left-aligned, and the battery
> and date are in the top right).
> So clearly it's having an issue parsing my template. Which I didn't touch before or after the upgrade. I
> haven't touched it in months. Here is the contents of my xmobarrc file:
> Config
> { bgColor = "black"
> , fgColor = "grey"
> , position = Top
> , lowerOnStart = True
> , commands =
> [ Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y %I:%M:%S%p" "date" 10
> , Run Com "uname" ["-s","-r"] "" 36000
> , Run BatteryP ["BAT0"] ["-t","<left>","--","-O","[on] ","-o",""] 50
> ]
> , alignSep = "}{"
> , sepChar = "%"
> , template = "mod-p, mod-shift-enter, mod-shift-q }{ %battery% | %date%"
> }
> Any idea what could be breaking? I've tried removing the hyphens in
> the text, surrounding it with <fc=#FFFFFF> </fc>, and removing the
> alignSep. Google is showing nothing, except a person who removed their
> alignSep to success - and I'd rather not do that, because I want
> things to be in the top-left and top-right.
Hmm. There's a known issue/feature when the align seps are generated,
but that is not your case. I cannot right now check by myself whether i
can reproduce the problem... have you tried to use other separators?
(e.g. "][")
> Thanks for any help!!
> Richard
> P.S. I signed up to the mailing list but not yet sure if I am actually
> receiving the messages, so please reply directly to me (CC the mailing
> list if you want).
I cannot see you in the list of subscribers, so i guess something went
wrong. I can add your email manually if you want me to.
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