[haskell-platform] #60: Set up Platform Committee to decide Add/Remove decisions

haskell-platform haskell-platform at projects.haskell.org
Wed Jun 3 16:52:45 EDT 2009

#60: Set up Platform Committee to decide Add/Remove decisions
 Reporter:  dons    |       Owner:  dcoutts 
     Type:  task    |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  2009.4.0
Component:  Policy  |    Keywords:          
 To actually decide on requests to add or remove packages we need a person
 or group with decision authority, to recommend to the implementation team
 addition or inclusion, following agreed standards.

 Such a group will operate under something like the "Identify the Champion"
 model for paper submission to workship, with herustics to guide them.

 This sketched structure is outlined here:


 We actually need to decide how big this group should be, and who should be
 involved. There also needs to be (co?)chairs.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.haskell.org/haskell-platform/ticket/60>
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