NO | NO Move
SH | Shuffle Cube
F | Rotate Front Clockwise f in the Keyboard
F' | Rotate Front CounterClockwise F in the Keyboard
R | Rotate Right Clockwise r in the Keyboard
R' | Rotate Right CounterClockwise R in the Keyboard
L | Rotate Left Clockwise l in the Keyboard
L' | Rotate Left CounterClockwise L in the Keyboard
B | Rotate Back Clockwise b in the Keyboard
B' | Rotate Back CounterClockwise B in the Keyboard
U | Rotate Up Clockwise u in the Keyboard
U' | Rotate Up CounterClockwise U in the Keyboard
D | Rotate Down Clockwise d in the Keyboard
D' | Rotate Down CounterClockwise D in the Keyboard
MF | Rotate Middle Front Clockwise
MF' | Rotate Middle Front CounterClockwise
MU | Rotate Middle Up Clockwise
MU' | Rotate Middle Up CounterClockwise
MR | Rotate Middle Right Clockwise
MR' | Rotate Middle Right CounterClockwise
TF | Turn Cube ClockWise on Z axis
TF' | Turn Cube CounterClockwise on Z axis
TU | Turn Cube ClockWise on Y axis
TU' | Turn Cube CounterClockwise on Y axis
TR | Turn Cube ClockWise on X axis
TR' | Turn Cube CounterClockwise on X axis