PROPOSAL: Transfer official maintainership of haskell-mode

Keshav Kini keshav.kini at
Mon Mar 12 14:27:37 GMT 2012

Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr at> writes:
> PS: btw... how comes that the NNTP-gatewayed
> gmane.comp.lang.haskell.emacs mangles email addresses in this list (and
> other lists such as haskell-cafe don't have this mangling?)

When applying to Gmane to add a new list, there are some options you can
set - one of them is email address mangling ("Encrypt addresses").
Whoever added the haskell emacs list happened to turn on this feature
and whoever added haskell-cafe did not. See .

(Sorry if that's not what you were asking.)


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