Fwd: new Haskell Platform look

Randy Polen randyhaskell at outlook.com
Fri Jun 26 20:30:08 BST 2015

I have a concern about promoting HP, minghc, and stack all
together on the haskell.org website, without there being any
way to go between them (thinking just the Windows platform
here). Perhaps minghc and stack play well together, but
possibly not stack and HP?

If we want folks to use HP but then they move to stack later,
for whatever reason, if there was a smooth transition path,
it'd be painless for users, and the coordination of the groups
 would be apparent.

But currently, my understanding is that if someone starts with HP,
moving to stack-based installation means more or less a full
re-installation. True, stack can use already installed ghc, etc.,
but I have not tried this to see how well it plays out (e.g., does it
require, then, more stack.yaml editing to point to the right place
for ghc? do the HP-installed libraries play well with updates that
stack might bring in without dependency issues, etc.)

I am not saying stack needs to do something different; I am actually
wondering aloud how might the HP (and maybe stack) change
so that they are fully coordinated and have a very smooth (to
the users) transition in at least one direction (i.e., HP to stack).
Is this all up to stack to ensure? Or can HP do something to

(again, this is all Windows-specific since that is what I have any
experience with.)


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