Distribution packaging status

Ben Gamari ben at smart-cactus.org
Thu Jun 11 10:50:07 BST 2015

Hello all,

I've put together a summary [1] of the current Platform packaging status
across the entire range of distributions which we might want to support.

On the whole, things are pretty positive. Most mainstream distributions
offer 2014.2.0.0. These include,

 * Debian
 * Ubuntu
 * Fedora
 * Gentoo
 * FreeBSD
 * OpenBSD
 * MacPorts

There are a few places where it would be nice to see some improvement,
however. We currently have no packaging via homebrew, which I believe is
quite widely used among Mac users.

It's unclear what state CentOS/RHEL packaging is in, although I suspect
users of these distributions are used to out of date packaging and
consequently won't mind using the binary tarballs (assuming they will

Another solution to the CentOS/RHEL problem might be to provide a Docker
image. I'm not terribly familiar with Docker but it does seem to have
gained quite a hipness factor, for better or worse.


- Ben

[1] https://github.com/haskell/haskell-platform/wiki/Distributions
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