very last HP mac release candidates for 2012.4.0.0

Jens Petersen juhpetersen at
Mon Nov 5 09:48:53 GMT 2012

> Unless I hear hew and cry, I'll bless these, and the rest of 2012.4.0.0 as
> released tomorrow night.

Was it just me that had the problem below when building alex?
(which I reported here on 23 Oct - sorry should probably have opened a
ticket instead)
Probably if happy appeared before alex in platform.packages, then it
would be ok?


Building alex-3.0.2
"/usr/bin/ghc" "--make" "Setup" "-o" "Setup" "-package" "Cabal-1.14.0"
Linking Setup ...
"./Setup" "configure"
"--prefix=/usr/local" "--with-compiler=/usr/bin/ghc"
"--with-hc-pkg=/usr/bin/ghc-pkg" "--with-hsc2hs=/usr/bin/hsc2hs"
Configuring alex-3.0.2...
"./Setup" "build"
Building alex-3.0.2...
Preprocessing executable 'alex' for alex-3.0.2...
Setup: The program happy is required but it could not be found

Building the alex-3.0.2 package failed
make: *** [build.stamp] Error 2

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