optionMenuNew :: IO OptionMenu
optionMenuGetMenu :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO Menu
optionMenuSetMenu :: (OptionMenuClass om, MenuClass m) => om -> m -> IO ()
optionMenuRemoveMenu :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO ()
optionMenuSetHistory :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> Int -> IO ()
optionMenuGetHistory :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO Int
onOMChanged :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId om)
afterOMChanged :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId om)
optionMenuNew :: IO OptionMenu
Create a new option menu.
optionMenuGetMenu :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO Menu
Get the menu that should be associated with this option menu.
optionMenuSetMenu :: (OptionMenuClass om, MenuClass m) => om -> m -> IO ()
Set a menu to associate with this option menu.
optionMenuRemoveMenu :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO ()
Remove the association the menu.
optionMenuSetHistory :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> Int -> IO ()
Set the state of the option menu. The options are numbered from 0 up to n-1 for the nth item.
optionMenuGetHistory :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO Int
Retrieve the index of the selected item.
onOMChanged :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId om)
This signal is called if the selected option has changed.
afterOMChanged :: OptionMenuClass om => om -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId om)
Produced by Haddock version 0.6