
This widget represents a singe menu item.

  • The widget derives from Item. Since CList and CTree are deprecated, it is the only child of that widget. The three signals defined by Item are therefore bound in this module.


  • figure out what the signals "toggle-size-allocate" and "toggle-size-request" are good for and bind them if useful
  • figure out if the connectToToggle signal is useful at all
menuItemNew :: IO MenuItem
menuItemNewWithLabel :: String -> IO MenuItem
menuItemNewWithMnemonic :: String -> IO MenuItem
menuItemSetSubmenu :: (MenuItemClass mi, MenuClass m) => mi -> m -> IO ()
menuItemGetSubmenu :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO (Maybe Widget)
menuItemRemoveSubmenu :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
menuItemSelect :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
menuItemDeselect :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
menuItemActivate :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
menuItemSetRightJustified :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> Bool -> IO ()
menuItemGetRightJustified :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO Bool
menuItemSetAccelPath :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> Maybe String -> IO ()
onActivateLeaf :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
afterActivateLeaf :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
onActivateItem :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
afterActivateItem :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
onSelect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
afterSelect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
onDeselect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
afterDeselect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
onToggle :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
afterToggle :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
menuItemNew :: IO MenuItem
Create a new menu item. This is the smallest part of a menu that the user can click on or select with the keyboard.
menuItemNewWithLabel :: String -> IO MenuItem
Create a new menu item and place a label inside.
menuItemNewWithMnemonic :: String -> IO MenuItem
Create a new menu item and place a label inside. Underscores in the label text indicate the mnemonic for the menu item.
menuItemSetSubmenu :: (MenuItemClass mi, MenuClass m) => mi -> m -> IO ()
Set the item's submenu.
menuItemGetSubmenu :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO (Maybe Widget)
Gets the submenu underneath this menu item, if any.
menuItemRemoveSubmenu :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
Remove the item's submenu.
menuItemSelect :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
Select the menu item.
menuItemDeselect :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
Deselect the menu item.
menuItemActivate :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO ()
Simulate a click on the menu item.
menuItemSetRightJustified :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> Bool -> IO ()
Make the menu item right justified. Only useful for menu bars.
menuItemGetRightJustified :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO Bool
Gets whether the menu item appears justified at the right side of the menu bar.
menuItemSetAccelPath :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> Maybe String -> IO ()

Set the accelerator path on the menu item, through which runtime changes of the menu item's accelerator caused by the user can be identified and saved to persistant storage (see accelMapSave on this). To setup a default accelerator for this menu item, call accelMapAddEntry with the same accel path. See also accelMapAddEntry on the specifics of accelerator paths, and menuSetAccelPath for a more convenient variant of this function.

This function is basically a convenience wrapper that handles calling widgetSetAccelPath with the appropriate accelerator group for the menu item.

  • Note that you do need to set an accelerator on the parent menu with menuSetAccelGroup for this to work.
onActivateLeaf :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
The user has chosen the menu item and the item does not contain a submenu.
afterActivateLeaf :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
onActivateItem :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
Emitted when the user chooses this item even if it has submenus.
afterActivateItem :: MenuItemClass mi => mi -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId mi)
onSelect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
This signal is emitted when the item is selected.
afterSelect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
onDeselect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
This signal is emitted when the item is deselected.
afterDeselect :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
onToggle :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
This signal is emitted when the item is toggled.
afterToggle :: ItemClass i => i -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId i)
Produced by Haddock version 0.6