{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports       #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.TwoD.Arrowheads
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Standard arrowheads and tails. Each arrowhead or tail is designed
-- to be drawn filled, with a line width of 0, and is normalized to
-- fit inside a circle of diameter 1.

module Diagrams.TwoD.Arrowheads
       -- * Arrowheads
       -- ** Standard arrowheads
       , dart
       , halfDart
       , spike
       , thorn
       , lineHead
       , noHead

       -- ** Configurable arrowheads
       -- | Creates arrowheads of the same shape as the standard heads but
       --   where the angle parameter is used to specify the angle to the top
       --   left point of the arrowhead.
       , arrowheadTriangle
       , arrowheadDart
       , arrowheadHalfDart
       , arrowheadSpike
       , arrowheadThorn

       -- * Arrow tails
       -- ** Standard arrow tails
       , tri'
       , dart'
       , halfDart'
       , spike'
       , thorn'
       , lineTail
       , noTail
       , quill
       , block

       -- ** Configurable arrow tails

       , arrowtailQuill
       , arrowtailBlock

       -- * Internals
       , ArrowHT
       ) where

import           Control.Lens            ((&), (.~), (<>~), (^.))
import           Data.Default.Class
import           Data.Monoid             (mempty, (<>))

import           Diagrams.Angle
import           Diagrams.Core

import           Diagrams.Path
import           Diagrams.Segment
import           Diagrams.Trail
import           Diagrams.TrailLike      (fromOffsets)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Align
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Arc       (arc')
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Path      ()
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Polygons
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Shapes
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Transform
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Vector    (unitX, unit_X, xDir)
import           Diagrams.Util           (( # ))

import           Linear.Affine
import           Linear.Metric
import           Linear.Vector


type ArrowHT n = n -> n -> (Path V2 n, Path V2 n)

closedPath :: OrderedField n => Trail V2 n -> Path V2 n
closedPath = pathFromTrail . closeTrail

-- Heads ------------------------------------------------------------------
--   > drawHead h = arrowAt' (with & arrowHead .~ h & shaftStyle %~ lw none
--   >                             & headLength .~ local 0.5)
--   >         origin (r2 (1, 0))
--   >      <> square 0.5 # alignL # lw none # frame 0.1

-- | Isoceles triangle style. The above example specifies an angle of `2/5 Turn`.

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_tri25Ex.svg#diagram=tri25Ex&width=120>>

--   > tri25Ex = arrowAt' (with & arrowHead .~ arrowheadTriangle (2/5 @@ turn)
--   >                          & shaftStyle %~ lw none & headLength .~ local 0.5)
--   >           origin (r2 (0.5, 0))
--   >        <> square 0.6 # alignL # lw none # frame 0.1
arrowheadTriangle :: RealFloat n => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowheadTriangle theta = aHead
    aHead len _ = (p, mempty)
        psi = pi - (theta ^. rad)
        r = len / (1 + cos psi)
        p = polygon (def & polyType .~ PolyPolar [theta, (-2) *^ theta]
            (repeat r) & polyOrient .~ NoOrient)  # alignL

-- | Isoceles triangle with linear concave base. Inkscape type 1 - dart like.
arrowheadDart :: RealFloat n => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowheadDart theta len shaftWidth = (hd # scale sz, jt)
    hd = snugL . pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ fromOffsets [t1, t2, b2, b1]
    jt = pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ j <> reflectY j
    j = closeTrail $ fromOffsets [V2 (-jLength) 0, V2 0 (shaftWidth / 2)]
    v = rotate theta unitX
    (t1, t2) = (unit_X ^+^ v, V2 (-0.5) 0 ^-^ v)
    [b1, b2] = map (reflectY . negated) [t1, t2]
    psi = pi - negated t2 ^. _theta . rad
    jLength = shaftWidth / (2 * tan psi)

    -- If the shaft is too wide, set the size to a default value of 1.
    sz = max 1 ((len - jLength) / 1.5)

-- | Top half of an 'arrowheadDart'.
arrowheadHalfDart :: RealFloat n => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowheadHalfDart theta len shaftWidth = (hd, jt)
    hd = fromOffsets [t1, t2]
       # closeTrail # pathFromTrail
       # translateX 1.5 # scale sz
       # translateY (-shaftWidth/2)
       # snugL
    jt = snugR . translateY (-shaftWidth/2) . pathFromTrail . closeTrail $ fromOffsets [V2 (-jLength) 0, V2 0 shaftWidth]
    v = rotate theta unitX
    (t1, t2) = (unit_X ^+^ v, (0.5 *^ unit_X) ^-^ v)
    psi = pi - negated t2 ^. _theta . rad
    jLength = shaftWidth / tan psi

    -- If the shaft is too wide, set the size to a default value of 1.
    sz = max 1 ((len - jLength) / 1.5)

-- | Isoceles triangle with curved concave base. Inkscape type 2.
arrowheadSpike :: RealFloat n => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowheadSpike theta len shaftWidth  = (hd # scale r, jt # scale r)
    hd = snugL . closedPath $ l1 <> c <> l2
    jt = alignR . centerY . pathFromTrail
                . closeTrail $ arc' 1 (xDir & _theta <>~ negated phi) (2 *^ phi)
    l1 = trailFromSegments [straight $ unit_X ^+^ v]
    l2 = trailFromSegments [reverseSegment . straight $ (unit_X ^+^ reflectY v)]
    c = arc' 1 (rotate α xDir) ((-2) *^ α)
    α = (1/2 @@ turn) ^-^ theta
    v = rotate theta unitX

    -- The length of the head without its joint is, -2r cos theta and
    -- the length of the joint is r - sqrt (r^2 - y^2). So the total
    -- length of the arrow head is given by r(1 - 2 cos theta)-sqrt (r^2-y^2).
    -- Solving the quadratic gives two roots, we want the larger one.

    -- 1/4 turn < theta < 2/3 turn.
    a = 1 - 2 * cos (theta ^. rad)
    y = shaftWidth / 2

    -- If the shaft is too wide for the head, we default the radius r to
    -- 2/3 * len by setting d=1 and phi=pi/2.
    d = max 1 (len**2 + (1 - a**2) * y**2)
    r = (a * len + sqrt d) / (a**2 -1)
    phi = asinA (min 1 (y/r))

-- | Curved sides, linear concave base. Illustrator CS5 #3
arrowheadThorn :: RealFloat n => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowheadThorn theta len shaftWidth = (hd # scale sz, jt)
    hd = snugL . pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ hTop <> reflectY hTop
    hTop = closeTrail . trailFromSegments $ [c, l]
    jt = pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ j <> reflectY j
    j = closeTrail $ fromOffsets [V2 (-jLength) 0, V2 0 (shaftWidth / 2)]
    c = curvedSide theta
    v = rotate theta unitX
    l = reverseSegment . straight $ t
    t = v ^-^ V2 (-0.5) 0
    psi = fullTurn ^/ 2 ^-^ (negated t ^. _theta)
    jLength = shaftWidth / (2 * tanA psi)

    -- If the shaft if too wide, set the size to a default value of 1.
    sz = max 1 ((len - jLength) / 1.5)

-- | Make a side for the thorn head.
curvedSide :: (Floating n, Ord n) => Angle n -> Segment Closed V2 n
curvedSide theta = bezier3 ctrl1 ctrl2 end
    v0    = unit_X
    v1    = rotate theta unitX
    ctrl1 = v0
    ctrl2 = v0 ^+^ v1
    end   = v0 ^+^ v1

-- Standard heads ---------------------------------------------------------
-- | A line the same width as the shaft.
lineHead :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
lineHead s w = (square 1 # scaleX s # scaleY w # alignL, mempty)

noHead :: (Floating n, Ord n) => ArrowHT n
noHead _ _ = (mempty, mempty)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_triEx.svg#diagram=triEx&width=100>>

--   > triEx = drawHead tri
tri :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
tri = arrowheadTriangle (1/3 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_spikeEx.svg#diagram=spikeEx&width=100>>

--   > spikeEx = drawHead spike
spike :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
spike = arrowheadSpike (3/8 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_thornEx.svg#diagram=thornEx&width=100>>

--   > thornEx = drawHead thorn
thorn :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
thorn = arrowheadThorn (3/8 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_dartEx.svg#diagram=dartEx&width=100>>

--   > dartEx = drawHead dart
dart :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
dart = arrowheadDart (2/5 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_halfDartEx.svg#diagram=halfDartEx&width=100>>

--   > halfDartEx = drawHead halfDart
halfDart :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
halfDart = arrowheadHalfDart (2/5 @@ turn)

-- Tails ------------------------------------------------------------------
--   > drawTail t = arrowAt' (with  & arrowTail .~ t & shaftStyle %~ lw none
--   >                              & arrowHead .~ noHead & tailLength .~ local 0.5)
--   >         origin (r2 (1, 0))
--   >      <> square 0.5 # alignL # lw none # frame 0.1

-- | Utility function to convert any arrowhead to an arrowtail, i.e.
--   attached at the start of the trail.
headToTail :: OrderedField n => ArrowHT n -> ArrowHT n
headToTail hd = tl
    tl sz shaftWidth = (t, j)
        (t', j') = hd sz shaftWidth
        t = reflectX t'
        j = reflectX j'

arrowtailBlock :: forall n. (RealFloat n) => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowtailBlock theta = aTail
   aTail len _ = (t, mempty)
        t  = rect len (len * x) # alignR
        a' :: V2 n
        a' = rotate theta unitX
        a  = a' ^-^ reflectY a'
        x  = norm a

-- | The angle is where the top left corner intersects the circle.
arrowtailQuill :: OrderedField n => Angle n -> ArrowHT n
arrowtailQuill theta = aTail
   aTail len shaftWidth = (t, j)
        t = closedPath (trailFromVertices [v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v0])
              # scale sz # alignR
        sz = len / 0.6
        v0 = p2 (0.5, 0)
        v2 = origin .+^ (rotate theta unitX # scale 0.5)
        v1 = v2 # translateX (5/8)
        v3 = p2 (-0.1, 0)
        v4 = v2 # reflectY
        v5 = v4 # translateX (5/8)
        s = 1 - shaftWidth / norm (v1 .-. v5)
        n1 = v0 # translateY (0.5 * shaftWidth)
        n2 = v1 .-^ ((v1 .-. v0) # scale s)
        n3 = v5 .-^ ((v5 .-. v0) # scale s)
        n4 = n1 # reflectY
        j  = closedPath $ trailFromVertices [v0, n1, n2, v0, n3, n4, v0]

-- Standard tails ---------------------------------------------------------
-- | A line the same width as the shaft.
lineTail :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
lineTail s w = (square 1 # scaleY w # scaleX s # alignR, mempty)

noTail :: OrderedField n => ArrowHT n
noTail _ _ = (mempty, mempty)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_tri'Ex.svg#diagram=tri'Ex&width=100>>

--   > tri'Ex = drawTail tri'
tri' :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
tri' = headToTail tri

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_spike'Ex.svg#diagram=spike'Ex&width=100>>

--   > spike'Ex = drawTail spike'
spike' :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
spike' = headToTail spike

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_thorn'Ex.svg#diagram=thorn'Ex&width=100>>

--   > thorn'Ex = drawTail thorn'
thorn' :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
thorn' = headToTail thorn

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_dart'Ex.svg#diagram=dart'Ex&width=100>>

--   > dart'Ex = drawTail dart'
dart' :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
dart' = headToTail dart

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_halfDart'Ex.svg#diagram=halfDart'Ex&width=100>>

--   > halfDart'Ex = drawTail halfDart'
halfDart' :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
halfDart' = headToTail halfDart

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_quillEx.svg#diagram=quillEx&width=100>>

--   > quillEx = drawTail quill
quill :: (Floating n, Ord n) => ArrowHT n
quill = arrowtailQuill (2/5 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_blockEx.svg#diagram=blockEx&width=100>>

--   > blockEx = drawTail block
block :: RealFloat n => ArrowHT n
block = arrowtailBlock (7/16 @@ turn)