module Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific
( Rasterific(..)
, B
, Options(..)
, renderRasterific
, size
, writeJpeg
) where
import Diagrams.Core.Compile
import Diagrams.Core.Transform (matrixHomRep)
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (opacity, view)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Adjust (adjustDia2D)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Attributes (splitTextureFills)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Path (Clip (Clip), getFillRule)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text hiding (Font)
import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types (convertImage,
import qualified Graphics.Rasterific as R
import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture (Gradient,
linearGradientTexture, radialGradientWithFocusTexture,
import qualified Graphics.Rasterific.Transformations as R
import Graphics.Text.TrueType
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.StateStack
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (writeFile)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe,
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Paths_diagrams_rasterific (getDataFileName)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
data Rasterific = Rasterific
deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable)
type B = Rasterific
type instance V Rasterific = V2
type instance N Rasterific = Double
data RasterificState n = RasterificState
{ _accumStyle :: Style V2 n
makeLenses ''RasterificState
instance Typeable n => Default (RasterificState n) where
def = RasterificState
{ _accumStyle = mempty
type RenderM n = StateStackT (RasterificState n) RenderR
type RenderR = R.Drawing PixelRGBA8
liftR :: RenderR a -> RenderM n a
liftR = lift
runRenderM :: Typeable n => RenderM n a -> RenderR a
runRenderM = flip evalStateStackT def
instance TypeableFloat n => Backend Rasterific V2 n where
newtype Render Rasterific V2 n = R (RenderM n ())
type Result Rasterific V2 n = Image PixelRGBA8
data Options Rasterific V2 n = RasterificOptions
{ _sizeSpec :: SizeSpec V2 n
deriving Show
renderRTree _ opts t =
R.renderDrawing (round w) (round h) bgColor r
r = runRenderM . runR . toRender $ t
V2 w h = specToSize 100 (opts^.sizeSpec)
bgColor = PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 0
adjustDia c opts d = adjustDia2D sizeSpec c opts (d # reflectY)
toRender :: TypeableFloat n => RTree Rasterific V2 n a -> Render Rasterific V2 n
toRender = fromRTree
. Node (RStyle (mempty # recommendFillColor (transparent :: AlphaColour Double)))
. (:[])
. splitTextureFills
fromRTree (Node (RPrim p) _) = render Rasterific p
fromRTree (Node (RStyle sty) rs) = R $ do
accumStyle <>= sty
aStyle <- use accumStyle
let R r = F.foldMap fromRTree rs
m = evalStateStackT r (RasterificState aStyle)
clip sty m
fromRTree (Node _ rs) = F.foldMap fromRTree rs
runR :: Render Rasterific V2 n -> RenderM n ()
runR (R r) = r
instance Monoid (Render Rasterific V2 n) where
mempty = R $ return ()
R rd1 `mappend` R rd2 = R (rd1 >> rd2)
instance Hashable n => Hashable (Options Rasterific V2 n) where
hashWithSalt s (RasterificOptions sz) = s `hashWithSalt` sz
sizeSpec :: Lens' (Options Rasterific V2 n) (SizeSpec V2 n)
sizeSpec = lens _sizeSpec (\o s -> o {_sizeSpec = s})
rasterificStrokeStyle :: TypeableFloat n => Style v n
-> (n, R.Join, (R.Cap, R.Cap), Maybe (R.DashPattern, n))
rasterificStrokeStyle s = (strokeWidth, strokeJoin, strokeCaps, strokeDash)
strokeWidth = fromMaybe 1 $ getLineWidth <$> getAttr s
strokeJoin = fromMaybe (R.JoinMiter 0) (fromLineJoin . getLineJoin <$> getAttr s)
strokeCaps = (strokeCap, strokeCap)
strokeCap = fromMaybe (R.CapStraight 0) (fromLineCap . getLineCap <$> getAttr s)
strokeDash = fromDashing . getDashing <$> getAttr s
fromLineCap :: LineCap -> R.Cap
fromLineCap LineCapButt = R.CapStraight 0
fromLineCap LineCapRound = R.CapRound
fromLineCap LineCapSquare = R.CapStraight 1
fromLineJoin :: LineJoin -> R.Join
fromLineJoin LineJoinMiter = R.JoinMiter 0
fromLineJoin LineJoinRound = R.JoinRound
fromLineJoin LineJoinBevel = R.JoinMiter 1
fromDashing :: Real n => Dashing n -> (R.DashPattern, n)
fromDashing (Dashing ds d) = (map realToFrac ds, d)
fromFillRule :: FillRule -> R.FillMethod
fromFillRule EvenOdd = R.FillEvenOdd
fromFillRule _ = R.FillWinding
getAttrN :: AttributeClass (a n) => Style v n -> Maybe (a n)
getAttrN = getAttr
getStyleAttrib :: AttributeClass a => (a -> b) -> RenderM n (Maybe b)
getStyleAttrib f = (fmap f . getAttr) <$> use accumStyle
getStyleAttribN :: AttributeClass (a n) => (a n -> b) -> RenderM n (Maybe b)
getStyleAttribN = getStyleAttrib
rasterificColor :: SomeColor -> Double -> PixelRGBA8
rasterificColor c o = PixelRGBA8 r g b a
(r, g, b, a) = (int r', int g', int b', int (o * a'))
(r', g', b', a') = colorToSRGBA (toAlphaColour c)
int x = round (255 * x)
rasterificSpreadMethod :: SpreadMethod -> R.SamplerRepeat
rasterificSpreadMethod GradPad = R.SamplerPad
rasterificSpreadMethod GradReflect = R.SamplerReflect
rasterificSpreadMethod GradRepeat = R.SamplerRepeat
rasterificStops :: TypeableFloat n => [GradientStop n] -> Gradient PixelRGBA8
rasterificStops = map fromStop
fromStop (GradientStop c v) = (realToFrac v, rasterificColor c 1)
rasterificLinearGradient :: TypeableFloat n => LGradient n -> R.Texture PixelRGBA8
rasterificLinearGradient g = transformTexture tr tx
tr = rasterificMatTransf (inv $ g^.lGradTrans)
tx = withSampler spreadMethod (linearGradientTexture gradDef p0 p1)
spreadMethod = rasterificSpreadMethod (g^.lGradSpreadMethod)
gradDef = rasterificStops (g^.lGradStops)
p0 = p2v2 (g^.lGradStart)
p1 = p2v2 (g^.lGradEnd)
rasterificRadialGradient :: TypeableFloat n => RGradient n -> R.Texture PixelRGBA8
rasterificRadialGradient g = transformTexture tr tx
tr = rasterificMatTransf (inv $ g^.rGradTrans)
tx = withSampler spreadMethod (radialGradientWithFocusTexture gradDef c (realToFrac r1) f)
spreadMethod = rasterificSpreadMethod (g^.rGradSpreadMethod)
c = p2v2 (g^.rGradCenter1)
f = p2v2 (g^.rGradCenter0)
gradDef = rasterificStops ss
r0 = g^.rGradRadius0
r1 = g^.rGradRadius1
stopFracs = r0 / r1 : map (\s -> (r0 + (s^.stopFraction) * (r1 r0)) / r1)
gradStops = case g^.rGradStops of
[] -> []
xs@(x:_) -> x : xs
ss = zipWith (\gs sf -> gs & stopFraction .~ sf ) gradStops stopFracs
rasterificTexture :: TypeableFloat n => Texture n -> Double -> R.Texture PixelRGBA8
rasterificTexture (SC c) o = uniformTexture $ rasterificColor c o
rasterificTexture (LG g) _ = rasterificLinearGradient g
rasterificTexture (RG g) _ = rasterificRadialGradient g
p2v2 :: Real n => P2 n -> R.Point
p2v2 (P v) = r2v2 v
r2v2 :: Real n => V2 n -> R.Point
r2v2 (V2 x y) = R.V2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)
rv2 :: (Real n, Fractional n) => Iso' R.Point (P2 n)
rv2 = iso (\(R.V2 x y) -> V2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)) r2v2 . from _Point
rasterificPtTransf :: TypeableFloat n => T2 n -> R.Point -> R.Point
rasterificPtTransf t = over rv2 (papply t)
rasterificMatTransf :: TypeableFloat n => T2 n -> R.Transformation
rasterificMatTransf tr = R.Transformation a c e b d f
[[a, b], [c, d], [e, f]] = map realToFrac <$> matrixHomRep tr
renderSeg :: TypeableFloat n => Located (Segment Closed V2 n) -> R.Primitive
renderSeg l =
case viewLoc l of
(p, Linear (OffsetClosed v)) ->
R.LinePrim $ R.Line p' (p' + r2v2 v)
p' = p2v2 p
(p, Cubic u1 u2 (OffsetClosed u3)) ->
R.CubicBezierPrim $ R.CubicBezier q0 q1 q2 q3
(q0, q1, q2, q3) = (p2v2 p, q0 + r2v2 u1, q0 + r2v2 u2, q0 + r2v2 u3)
renderPath :: TypeableFloat n => Path V2 n -> [[R.Primitive]]
renderPath p = (map . map) renderSeg (pathLocSegments p)
clip :: TypeableFloat n => Style V2 n -> RenderR () -> RenderM n ()
clip sty d =
maybe (liftR d)
(\paths -> liftR $ R.withClipping
(R.fill (concat . concat $ map renderPath paths)) d)
(op Clip <$> getAttrN sty)
mkStroke :: TypeableFloat n => n -> R.Join -> (R.Cap, R.Cap) -> Maybe (R.DashPattern, n)
-> [[R.Primitive]] -> RenderR ()
mkStroke (realToFrac -> l) j c d primList =
maybe (mapM_ (R.stroke l j c) primList)
(\(dsh, off) -> mapM_ (R.dashedStrokeWithOffset (realToFrac off) dsh l j c) primList)
instance TypeableFloat n => Renderable (Path V2 n) Rasterific where
render _ p = R $ do
f <- getStyleAttribN getFillTexture
s <- fromMaybe (solid black) <$> getStyleAttribN getLineTexture
o <- fromMaybe 1 <$> getStyleAttrib getOpacity
r <- fromMaybe Winding <$> getStyleAttrib getFillRule
sty <- use accumStyle
let (l, j, c, d) = rasterificStrokeStyle sty
rule = fromFillRule r
primList = renderPath p
prms = concat primList
when (isJust f) $ liftR (R.withTexture (rasterificTexture (fromJust f) o)
$ R.fillWithMethod rule prms)
liftR (R.withTexture (rasterificTexture s o) $ mkStroke l j c d primList)
ro :: FilePath -> FilePath
ro = unsafePerformIO . getDataFileName
openSansRegular :: Font
openSansRegular = fnt
Right fnt = unsafePerformIO . loadFontFile $ ro "fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf"
openSansBold :: Font
openSansBold = fnt
Right fnt = unsafePerformIO . loadFontFile $ ro "fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf"
openSansItalic :: Font
openSansItalic = fnt
Right fnt = unsafePerformIO . loadFontFile $ ro "fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf"
openSansBoldItalic :: Font
openSansBoldItalic = fnt
Right fnt = unsafePerformIO . loadFontFile $ ro "fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf"
fromFontStyle :: FontSlant -> FontWeight -> Font
fromFontStyle FontSlantItalic FontWeightBold = openSansBoldItalic
fromFontStyle FontSlantOblique FontWeightBold = openSansBoldItalic
fromFontStyle FontSlantNormal FontWeightBold = openSansBold
fromFontStyle FontSlantItalic FontWeightNormal = openSansItalic
fromFontStyle FontSlantOblique FontWeightNormal = openSansItalic
fromFontStyle _ _ = openSansRegular
textBox :: Font -> R.PointSize -> String -> (Float, Float)
textBox f p s = (_xMax bb _xMin bb, _yMax bb _yMin bb)
bb = stringBoundingBox f 96 p s
instance TypeableFloat n => Renderable (Text n) Rasterific where
render _ (Text tr al str) = R $ do
fs <- fromMaybe 12 <$> getStyleAttribN getFontSize
slant <- fromMaybe FontSlantNormal <$> getStyleAttrib getFontSlant
fw <- fromMaybe FontWeightNormal <$> getStyleAttrib getFontWeight
f <- fromMaybe (solid black) <$> getStyleAttribN getFillTexture
o <- fromMaybe 1 <$> getStyleAttrib getOpacity
let fColor = rasterificTexture f o
fs' = R.PointSize (realToFrac fs)
fnt = fromFontStyle slant fw
(x, y) = textBox fnt fs' str
(refX, refY) = case al of
BaselineText -> (0, 0)
BoxAlignedText xt yt -> (x * realToFrac xt, y * realToFrac yt)
p = rasterificPtTransf (moveOriginBy (r2 (refX, refY)) mempty) (R.V2 0 0)
liftR (R.withTransformation (rasterificMatTransf (tr <> reflectionY))
(R.withTexture fColor $ R.printTextAt fnt fs' p str))
toImageRGBA8 :: DynamicImage -> Image PixelRGBA8
toImageRGBA8 (ImageRGBA8 i) = i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageRGB8 i) = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageYCbCr8 i) = promoteImage (convertImage i :: Image PixelRGB8)
toImageRGBA8 (ImageY8 i) = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageYA8 i) = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageCMYK8 i) = promoteImage (convertImage i :: Image PixelRGB8)
toImageRGBA8 _ = error "Unsupported Pixel type"
instance TypeableFloat n => Renderable (DImage n Embedded) Rasterific where
render _ (DImage iD w h tr) = R $ liftR
(rasterificMatTransf (tr <> reflectionY))
(R.drawImage img 0 p))
ImageRaster dImg = iD
img = toImageRGBA8 dImg
trl = moveOriginBy (r2 (fromIntegral w / 2, fromIntegral h / 2 :: n)) mempty
p = rasterificPtTransf trl (R.V2 0 0)
writeJpeg :: Word8 -> FilePath -> Result Rasterific V2 n -> IO ()
writeJpeg quality outFile img = L.writeFile outFile bs
bs = encodeJpegAtQuality quality (pixelMap (convertPixel . dropTransparency) img)
renderRasterific :: TypeableFloat n => FilePath -> SizeSpec V2 n -> QDiagram Rasterific V2 n Any -> IO ()
renderRasterific outFile spec d = writer outFile img
writer = case takeExtension outFile of
".png" -> writePng
".tif" -> writeTiff
".bmp" -> writeBitmap
".jpg" -> writeJpeg 80
_ -> writePng
img = renderDia Rasterific (RasterificOptions spec) d