module Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal where
import Diagrams.Core.Compile
import Diagrams.Core.Transform
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (font, opacity, view)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Adjust (adjustDia2D,
import Diagrams.TwoD.Path (Clip (Clip), getFillRule)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text hiding (font)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as CM
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Pango as P
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.StateStack as SS
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Cairo = Cairo
deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable)
type B = Cairo
type instance V Cairo = V2
type instance N Cairo = Double
data OutputType =
| PS
| RenderOnly
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable OutputType
data CairoState
= CairoState { _accumStyle :: Style V2 Double
, _ignoreFill :: Bool
$(makeLenses ''CairoState)
instance Default CairoState where
def = CairoState
{ _accumStyle = mempty
, _ignoreFill = False
type RenderM a = SS.StateStackT CairoState C.Render a
liftC :: C.Render a -> RenderM a
liftC = lift
runRenderM :: RenderM a -> C.Render a
runRenderM = flip SS.evalStateStackT def
save :: RenderM ()
save = >> liftC
restore :: RenderM ()
restore = liftC C.restore >> SS.restore
instance Backend Cairo V2 Double where
data Render Cairo V2 Double = C (RenderM ())
type Result Cairo V2 Double = (IO (), C.Render ())
data Options Cairo V2 Double = CairoOptions
{ _cairoFileName :: String
, _cairoSizeSpec :: SizeSpec V2 Double
, _cairoOutputType :: OutputType
, _cairoBypassAdjust :: Bool
deriving (Show)
renderRTree _ opts t = (renderIO, r)
r = runRenderM .runC . toRender $ t
renderIO = do
let surfaceF s = C.renderWith s r
V2 w h = specToSize 1 (opts^.cairoSizeSpec)
case opts^.cairoOutputType of
PNG ->
C.withImageSurface C.FormatARGB32 (round w) (round h) $ \surface -> do
surfaceF surface
C.surfaceWriteToPNG surface (opts^.cairoFileName)
PS -> C.withPSSurface (opts^.cairoFileName) w h surfaceF
PDF -> C.withPDFSurface (opts^.cairoFileName) w h surfaceF
SVG -> C.withSVGSurface (opts^.cairoFileName) w h surfaceF
RenderOnly -> return ()
adjustDia c opts d = if _cairoBypassAdjust opts
then (opts, mempty, d # setDefault2DAttributes)
else adjustDia2D cairoSizeSpec c opts (d # reflectY)
runC :: Render Cairo V2 Double -> RenderM ()
runC (C r) = r
instance Monoid (Render Cairo V2 Double) where
mempty = C $ return ()
(C rd1) `mappend` (C rd2) = C (rd1 >> rd2)
instance Hashable (Options Cairo V2 Double) where
hashWithSalt s (CairoOptions fn sz out adj)
= s `hashWithSalt`
fn `hashWithSalt`
sz `hashWithSalt`
out `hashWithSalt`
toRender :: RTree Cairo V2 Double a -> Render Cairo V2 Double
toRender (Node (RPrim p) _) = render Cairo p
toRender (Node (RStyle sty) rs) = C $ do
cairoStyle sty
accumStyle %= (<> sty)
runC $ F.foldMap toRender rs
toRender (Node _ rs) = F.foldMap toRender rs
cairoFileName :: Lens' (Options Cairo V2 Double) String
cairoFileName = lens (\(CairoOptions {_cairoFileName = f}) -> f)
(\o f -> o {_cairoFileName = f})
cairoSizeSpec :: Lens' (Options Cairo V2 Double) (SizeSpec V2 Double)
cairoSizeSpec = lens (\(CairoOptions {_cairoSizeSpec = s}) -> s)
(\o s -> o {_cairoSizeSpec = s})
cairoOutputType :: Lens' (Options Cairo V2 Double) OutputType
cairoOutputType = lens (\(CairoOptions {_cairoOutputType = t}) -> t)
(\o t -> o {_cairoOutputType = t})
cairoBypassAdjust :: Lens' (Options Cairo V2 Double) Bool
cairoBypassAdjust = lens (\(CairoOptions {_cairoBypassAdjust = b}) -> b)
(\o b -> o {_cairoBypassAdjust = b})
renderC :: (Renderable a Cairo, V a ~ V2, N a ~ Double) => a -> RenderM ()
renderC = runC . render Cairo
getStyleAttrib :: AttributeClass a => (a -> b) -> RenderM (Maybe b)
getStyleAttrib f = (fmap f . getAttr) <$> use accumStyle
cairoStyle :: Style v Double -> RenderM ()
cairoStyle s =
. catMaybes $ [ handle clip
, handle lFillRule
, handle lWidth
, handle lCap
, handle lJoin
, handle lDashing
where handle :: AttributeClass a => (a -> RenderM ()) -> Maybe (RenderM ())
handle f = f `fmap` getAttr s
clip = mapM_ (\p -> cairoPath p >> liftC C.clip) . op Clip
lFillRule = liftC . C.setFillRule . fromFillRule . getFillRule
lWidth = liftC . C.setLineWidth . getLineWidth
lCap = liftC . C.setLineCap . fromLineCap . getLineCap
lJoin = liftC . C.setLineJoin . fromLineJoin . getLineJoin
lDashing (getDashing -> Dashing ds offs) =
liftC $ C.setDash ds offs
fromFontSlant :: FontSlant -> P.FontStyle
fromFontSlant FontSlantNormal = P.StyleNormal
fromFontSlant FontSlantItalic = P.StyleItalic
fromFontSlant FontSlantOblique = P.StyleOblique
fromFontWeight :: FontWeight -> P.Weight
fromFontWeight FontWeightNormal = P.WeightNormal
fromFontWeight FontWeightBold = P.WeightBold
cairoTransf :: T2 Double -> C.Render ()
cairoTransf t = C.transform m
where m = CM.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
(unr2 -> (a1,a2)) = apply t unitX
(unr2 -> (b1,b2)) = apply t unitY
(unr2 -> (c1,c2)) = transl t
fromLineCap :: LineCap -> C.LineCap
fromLineCap LineCapButt = C.LineCapButt
fromLineCap LineCapRound = C.LineCapRound
fromLineCap LineCapSquare = C.LineCapSquare
fromLineJoin :: LineJoin -> C.LineJoin
fromLineJoin LineJoinMiter = C.LineJoinMiter
fromLineJoin LineJoinRound = C.LineJoinRound
fromLineJoin LineJoinBevel = C.LineJoinBevel
fromFillRule :: FillRule -> C.FillRule
fromFillRule Winding = C.FillRuleWinding
fromFillRule EvenOdd = C.FillRuleEvenOdd
instance Renderable (Segment Closed V2 Double) Cairo where
render _ (Linear (OffsetClosed v)) = C . liftC $ uncurry C.relLineTo (unr2 v)
render _ (Cubic (unr2 -> (x1,y1))
(unr2 -> (x2,y2))
(OffsetClosed (unr2 -> (x3,y3))))
= C . liftC $ C.relCurveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
instance Renderable (Trail V2 Double) Cairo where
render _ = withTrail renderLine renderLoop
renderLine ln = C $ do
mapM_ renderC (lineSegments ln)
ignoreFill .= True
renderLoop lp = C $ do
case loopSegments lp of
(segs, Linear _) -> mapM_ renderC segs
_ -> mapM_ renderC (lineSegments . cutLoop $ lp)
liftC C.closePath
instance Renderable (Path V2 Double) Cairo where
render _ p = C $ do
cairoPath p
f <- getStyleAttrib getFillTexture
s <- getStyleAttrib getLineTexture
ign <- use ignoreFill
setTexture f
when (isJust f && not ign) $ liftC C.fillPreserve
setTexture s
liftC C.stroke
cairoPath :: Path V2 Double -> RenderM ()
cairoPath (Path trs) = do
liftC C.newPath
ignoreFill .= False
F.mapM_ renderTrail trs
renderTrail (viewLoc -> (unp2 -> p, tr)) = do
liftC $ uncurry C.moveTo p
renderC tr
addStop :: MonadIO m => C.Pattern -> GradientStop Double -> m ()
addStop p s = C.patternAddColorStopRGBA p (s^.stopFraction) r g b a
(r,g,b,a) = colorToSRGBA (s^.stopColor)
cairoSpreadMethod :: SpreadMethod -> C.Extend
cairoSpreadMethod GradPad = C.ExtendPad
cairoSpreadMethod GradReflect = C.ExtendReflect
cairoSpreadMethod GradRepeat = C.ExtendRepeat
setTexture :: Maybe (Texture Double) -> RenderM ()
setTexture Nothing = return ()
setTexture (Just (SC (SomeColor c))) = do
o <- fromMaybe 1 <$> getStyleAttrib getOpacity
liftC (C.setSourceRGBA r g b (o*a))
where (r,g,b,a) = colorToSRGBA c
setTexture (Just (LG g)) = liftC $
C.withLinearPattern x0 y0 x1 y1 $ \pat -> do
mapM_ (addStop pat) (g^.lGradStops)
C.patternSetMatrix pat m
C.patternSetExtend pat (cairoSpreadMethod (g^.lGradSpreadMethod))
C.setSource pat
m = CM.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
[[a1, a2], [b1, b2], [c1, c2]] = matrixHomRep (inv (g^.lGradTrans))
(x0, y0) = unp2 (g^.lGradStart)
(x1, y1) = unp2 (g^.lGradEnd)
setTexture (Just (RG g)) = liftC $
C.withRadialPattern x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1 $ \pat -> do
mapM_ (addStop pat) (g^.rGradStops)
C.patternSetMatrix pat m
C.patternSetExtend pat (cairoSpreadMethod (g^.rGradSpreadMethod))
C.setSource pat
m = CM.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
[[a1, a2], [b1, b2], [c1, c2]] = matrixHomRep (inv (g^.rGradTrans))
(r0, r1) = (g^.rGradRadius0, g^.rGradRadius1)
(x0', y0') = unp2 (g^.rGradCenter0)
(x1', y1') = unp2 (g^.rGradCenter1)
(x0, y0, x1, y1) = (x0' * (r1 r0) / r1, y0' * (r1 r0) / r1, x1' ,y1')
instance Renderable (DImage Double External) Cairo where
render _ (DImage path w h tr) = C . liftC $ do
let ImageRef file = path
if ".png" `isSuffixOf` file
then do
cairoTransf (tr <> reflectionY)
pngSurfChk <- liftIO (try $ C.imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG file
:: IO (Either IOError C.Surface))
case pngSurfChk of
Right pngSurf -> do
w' <- C.imageSurfaceGetWidth pngSurf
h' <- C.imageSurfaceGetHeight pngSurf
let sz = fromIntegral <$> dims2D w h
cairoTransf $ requiredScaling sz (fromIntegral <$> V2 w' h')
C.setSourceSurface pngSurf (fromIntegral w' / 2)
(fromIntegral h' / 2)
Left _ ->
liftIO . putStrLn $
"Warning: can't read image file <" ++ file ++ ">"
liftIO . putStr . unlines $
[ "Warning: Cairo backend can currently only render embedded"
, " images in .png format. Ignoring <" ++ file ++ ">."
if' :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m ()
if' = maybe (return ())
instance Renderable (Text Double) Cairo where
render _ (Text tt al str) = C $ do
let tr = tt <> reflectionY
ff <- getStyleAttrib getFont
fs <- getStyleAttrib (fromFontSlant . getFontSlant)
fw <- getStyleAttrib (fromFontWeight . getFontWeight)
size' <- getStyleAttrib getFontSize
f <- getStyleAttrib getFillTexture
setTexture f
layout <- liftC $ do
cairoTransf tr
P.createLayout str
ref <- liftC. liftIO $ do
font <- P.fontDescriptionNew
if' (P.fontDescriptionSetFamily font) ff
if' (P.fontDescriptionSetStyle font) fs
if' (P.fontDescriptionSetWeight font) fw
if' (P.fontDescriptionSetSize font) size'
P.layoutSetFontDescription layout $ Just font
case al of
BoxAlignedText xt yt -> do
(_,P.PangoRectangle _ _ w h) <- P.layoutGetExtents layout
return $ r2 (w * xt, h * (1 yt))
BaselineText -> do
baseline <- P.layoutIterGetBaseline =<< P.layoutGetIter layout
return $ r2 (0, baseline)
liftC $ do
let t = moveOriginBy ref mempty :: T2 Double
cairoTransf t
P.updateLayout layout
P.showLayout layout