A simple plot of data series with shapes and colours.

Author: Chris Mears

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> import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
> import Diagrams.Prelude
> import Graphics.SVGFonts
> import Diagrams.Core.Points -- needed to work around bug in GHC 7.4

Each series is a label and a list of points (x-y pairs). Each series will be drawn as a separate line, with its own combination of colour, dashing pattern and shape.

> type Pt = (Double, Double)
> type Points = [Pt]
> dataSeries :: [(String,Points)]
> dataSeries =
>   [ ("upward",   zip [0.0, 1.0 .. 10.0] [0.0, 1.0 .. 10.0])
>   , ("downward", zip [0.0, 1.0 .. 10.0] [10.0, 9.0 .. 0.0])
>   , ("cycle",    zip [0.0, 1.0 .. 10.0] (cycle [3,4,5]))
>   , ("arbitrary", [(2,4), (4,2), (5,4), (10,5)])
>   , ("sin",      map (\x -> (x, 8+sin x)) [0.0, 0.5 .. 10.0])
>   ]
> type Dia = Diagram B

The final diagram is the chart with the legend next to it.

> example :: Dia
> example = centerXY $
>     (centerY (chart (map snd dataSeries) plotStyles [0,2,4,6,8,10] [0,2,4,6,8,10])
>      ||| strutX 1
>      ||| centerY (legend plotStyles (map fst dataSeries)))
>      `atop` square 12 # translateX 5 # scaleY 0.85 -- border

The size of the chart, in logical units.

> h,w :: Double
> h = 7
> w = 7

The chart is made of the data series, the outer box, and the horizontal and vertical axes markings.

“dataToFrac” converts points from the “data” space [0..10] into the [0..1] range.

> chart :: [Points] -> [(Dia, Dia -> Dia)] -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Dia
> chart series styles xs ys = mconcat
>   [ plotMany styles series dataToFrac
>   , horizticks (map (\x -> ((x-minx)/xrange, showFloor x)) xs)
>   , vertticks  (map (\y -> ((y-miny)/yrange, showFloor y)) ys)
>   , box
>   ]
>   where maxx = last xs
>         minx = head xs
>         maxy = last ys
>         miny = head ys
>         xrange = maxx-minx
>         yrange = maxy-miny
>         dataToFrac (x,y) = ((x-minx)/xrange, (y-miny)/yrange)
>         showFloor = show . (floor :: Double -> Integer)

Plot a single data series. A “shape” is drawn at every data point, and straight lines are drawn between points.

> plot :: ((Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)) -> Dia -> (Dia -> Dia) -> Points -> Dia
> plot dataToFrac shape lineStyle ps =
>     let scalify (x,y) = (x*w,y*h)
>         ps' = map (p2 . scalify . dataToFrac) ps
>     in (strokeP $ fromVertices ps') # lineStyle
>          `beneath` mconcat [ shape # moveTo p | p <- ps' ]

Plot many data series using the given list of styles.

> plotMany :: [(Dia, Dia -> Dia)] -> [Points] -> (Pt -> Pt) -> Dia
> plotMany styles seriesList dataToFrac =
>     mconcat $ zipWith (uncurry (plot dataToFrac)) (styles ++ plotStyles) seriesList

A string of text, converted to a path and filled.

> text' :: String -> Dia
> text' s = (strokeP $ textSVG' (TextOpts lin2 INSIDE_H KERN False 0.4 0.4) s) # fc black # lw none

The chart’s legend. Each label is drawn next to a little example of how the line looks in the chart.

> legend :: [(Dia, Dia -> Dia)] -> [String] -> Dia
> legend styles labels = centerXY $
>     vcat' with {_sep=0.15} $
>       map (\(l,s) -> littleLine s ||| strutX 0.4 ||| text' l # alignL)
>         (zip labels (styles ++ plotStyles))
>   where littleLine (d,l) = (strokeP $ fromVertices [ 0^&0, 1^&0 ]) # l
>                            <> d # moveTo (0.5^&0)

The outer box is just a rectangle.

> box :: Dia
> box = strokeLoop . closeLine . fromVertices $ [ 0^&0, 0^&h, w^&h, w^&0 ]

Each tick on the vertical axis has a text part, a solid line on the left, a solid line on the right, and a long dashed line from left to right.

> vertticks :: [(Double, String)] -> Dia
> vertticks pairs =
>     let textBits = mconcat [ text' t # alignR # moveTo ((-0.2)^&(y*h)) | (y,t) <- pairs ]
>         tickBits =    mconcat [ fromVertices [ 0^&(y*h), 0.1    ^&(y*h) ] | (y,_) <- pairs ]
>                    <> mconcat [ fromVertices [ w^&(y*h), (w-0.1)^&(y*h) ] | (y,_) <- pairs ]
>                    <> mconcat [ fromVertices [ 0^&(y*h), w^&(y*h)       ] # lc gray # dashingG [ 0.1, 0.1 ] 0 | (y,_) <- pairs ]
>     in textBits <> tickBits

(Similar for the horizontal axis.)

> horizticks :: [(Double, String)] -> Dia
> horizticks pairs =
>     let textBits = mconcat [ text' t # moveTo ((x*w)^&(-0.3)) | (x,t) <- pairs ]
>         tickBits =    mconcat [ fromVertices [ (x*w)^&0, (x*w)^&0.1     ] | (x,_) <- pairs ]
>                    <> mconcat [ fromVertices [ (x*w)^&h, (x*w)^&(h-0.1) ] | (x,_) <- pairs ]
>                    <> mconcat [ fromVertices [ (x*w)^&0, (x*w)^&h       ] # lc gray # dashingG [ 0.1, 0.1 ] 0 | (x,_) <- pairs ]
>     in textBits <> tickBits

A dot style is a shape (any diagram) and a boolean indicating whether the shape should be filled, a line style is a dashing pattern, and a colour style is just a colour. These three combined give a “style”.

> newtype Fill = Fill Bool
> type Shape = Dia
> type DotStyle = (Shape, Fill)
> type LineStyle = Dia -> Dia
> plotStyles :: [ (Shape, LineStyle) ]
> plotStyles = zipWith3 combineStyles dotStyles colourStyles lineStyles
> combineStyles :: DotStyle -> Colour Double -> LineStyle -> (Shape, LineStyle)
> combineStyles (d,Fill f) c l =
>   ( d # (if f then fcA (c `withOpacity` 0.5) else id) # lc c, lc c . l )

The dot styles.

> dotStyles :: [DotStyle]
> dotStyles = cycle $
>     let shapes = map (strokeP)
>            [ circle 0.07
>            , square 0.1
>            , eqTriangle 0.1
>            , pentagon 0.1
>            , cross 0.07
>            , plus 0.07
>            , star (StarSkip 2) (pentagon 0.1)
>            ]
>     in [ (s, Fill b) | b <- [True,False], s <- shapes ]

Some custom shapes.

> cross :: Double -> Path V2 Double
> cross x = fromVertices [ x^&(-x) , ((-x)^&x) ]
>           <> fromVertices [ x^&x , ((-x)^&(-x)) ]
> plus :: Double -> Path V2 Double
> plus x = cross x # rotate (45 @@ deg)

The colour styles.

> colourStyles :: [Colour Double]
> colourStyles = cycle $ [ red, green, blue, brown ]

The line styles.

> lineStyles :: [Dia -> Dia]
> lineStyles = cycle $
>                [ id, dashingG [0.1,0.1] 0, dashingG [0.02,0.02] 0
>                , dashingG [0.1,0.1,0.03,0.1] 0, dashingG [0.1,0.1,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.1] 0 ]
> main = mainWith (example :: Diagram B)