bug: icon endless read

Artur Zimmer artur128 at 3dzimmer.de
Sun Jun 2 16:49:19 BST 2013

> > If any template variable expansion were HTML escaped, would that work?
> > Are there any variables which expand with a color sequence already?
> It's typical use StdinReader (and XmonadProp) values with color markup
> to highlight the current workspace number; we would break those usage
> cases if we HTML-escape the received string.  I suspect Pipe is used in
> similar ways too.  But perhaps i'm missing your point?

the html escape will be used by for example xmonad to escape the window-title and for example mark the current window-page without escape         (<fc=color>2</fc>  escaped_by_xmonad_the_window_title <fc=color2>xmonaduptime</fc>)

but the xmobar-parse should reverse the escaping after markuping (for example: coloring)

that would be backward-compatible and easy to implement into xmonad-config and xmobar.

import Web.Encodings
main = do
    xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/bin/xmobar ~/.xmobarrc"
		logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ xmobarPP
			ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc
			, ppTitle = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 50 . encodeHtml

> An alternative to address the specific window title problem could also
> be providing a CurrentWindowTitle plugin.

not so good idea


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