A couple issues

Reto Hablützel rethab at rethab.ch
Fri Jul 12 12:45:18 BST 2013

As for the DynNetwork plugin: I don't think the regular wlan plugin behaves
any differently when the device is down? And besides, I don't think
substitution is a good way to go with this. At least in my case, I am
either interested in the state of a certain thing on my machine or I am
not. If I want to know my disk usage, then I configure xmobar to show this.
When the network device is down, it would probably make sense to indicate
that with some text (e.g. not connected) or, of course, configurable.

I don't see why you would want to embed the config into the one from
xmonad. The config of xmobar could be typechecked without the presence of
xmonad and vice versa.

- Reto

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 2:53 AM, Ben Boeckel <mathstuf at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Jul, 2013 at 22:30:44 GMT, Sacha Sokoloski wrote:
> > Finally, for us users of xmonad it certainly would be a plus to be able
> > to define and typecheck the xmobar config right inside the xmonad
> > config, but again, I realize that's probably not a small request.
> Xmobar doesn't install any libraries, so it can't know what's supported.
> --Ben
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