[QuickCheck] QuickCheck-2.8.2 does not compile

Anakreontas Mentis anakreonmejdi at gmail.com
Sat May 21 18:13:54 BST 2016

Here is the error message cabal and ghc reported:
[13 of 15] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.All ( Test/QuickCheck/All.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-e58b37f7/build/Test/QuickCheck/All.o )

    Constructor ‘ClassOpI’ should have 3 arguments, but has been given 4
    In the pattern: ClassOpI _ ty _ _
    In an equation for ‘infoType’: infoType (ClassOpI _ ty _ _) = ty

I changed my project's dependency on QuickCheck-2.8.1 and it builds


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