maxent libraries?

David MacIver david at
Sun May 22 23:38:45 BST 2011

I'd love to know about it if there are. I did some looking into this a
while ago and concluded that they were basically all in C++ and
various combinations of broken, toy and irritatingly licensed.

I have some vague intentions of doing a port of the maxent package on
which OpenNLP is based to Clay, which it should be relatively easy to
create a shared object and C header for, but don't hold your breath.


On 22 May 2011 23:26, Rogan Creswick <creswick at> wrote:
> Is anyone aware of any BSD/Apache (or "free-er") licensed maxent
> libraries/packages for haskell or c (or other ffi-compatible
> language..)?  I'd like to recreate some of the OpenNLP classifiers,
> which rely heavily on maxent (I haven't found suitable tokenizers /
> sentence splitters / POS taggers / NE-recognisers for Haskell yet..).
> There is a c++ implementation of maxent here:
> but the license
> doesn't make allowances for commercial distribution/use, which is a
> non-starter.  (The GPL is also probably out, for similar reasons.)
> Thanks!
> Rogan
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