iteratee ANNOUNCE: -0.8.7

John Lato jwlato at
Thu Nov 3 17:23:55 GMT 2011

Iteratee-0.8.7 is now on Hackage.  This package offers the following changes:

 - enumPure1Chunk reverts to the behavior of 0.8.4 and earlier.  That
is, when the iteratee is in the done state, the data pushed by
enumPure1Chunk is discarded.  This change is consistent with the
expected semantics of enumerators and fixes some space leaks.

 -* and enumWith: significantly improved performance in many cases.

 - and groupBy: two semantic changes - formerly these
functions would consume the entire input stream regardless of the
inner iteratee state.  They now stop consuming the outer stream after
the inner iteratee completes.  Also, if the inner iteratee is in an
error state, that state is now propagated out through group/groupBy.

 - new functions: Iteratee.ListLike.takeWhile, takeWhileE,
Iteratee.eneeCheckIfDoneHandle, eneeCheckIfDonePass,
eneeCheckIfDoneIgnore, unfoldConvStreamCheck, mapChunksM, foldChunksM

If possible, use the latest GHC for the best performance.

Comments welcome.


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