iteratee - released to Hackage

John Lato jwlato at
Sat Apr 30 17:37:17 BST 2011

I have just uploaded a new version of iteratee,, to hackage.  This
release includes the following:

1.  Bugfix where Fd-based IO would crash with the threaded runtime (see GHC
bug #5060)
2.  addition of "enumFile" and "enumFileRandom" from Data.Iteratee.IO
3.  addition of "Data.Iteratee.ListLike.sequence_".  This is equivalent to a
function recently discussed on haskell-cafe
4.  Data.Iteratee.ListLike.enumPair is now a (deprecated) synonym for, with several other zip functions added as well
5.  Addition of Data.Iteratee.ListLike.enumWith.  This runs two iteratees in
parallel and terminates the second when the first is complete.  A common
use-case is to count how much data an iteratee consumes.  This is differs
from 'zip' in that 'zip' waits for both iteratees to finish, whereas
enumWith terminates as soon as the first iteratee is complete.
6.  Addition of (><>) and (<><) enumeratee combinators.

Thanks to Maciej Wos for many helpful contributions.

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