iteratee 0.3, 0.4 plans, pending patches

Conrad Parker conrad.parker at
Fri Aug 20 05:31:39 EDT 2010

On 18 August 2010 13:13, Conrad Parker <conrad.parker at> wrote:
> On 17 August 2010 19:25, John Lato <jwlato at> wrote:
>> 1)  Have you benchmarked Data.Iteratee.Base.last ?  I'd like to know how it
>> performs relative to an implementation that operates chunk-wise rather than
>> element-wise.  If you use it and it's fast enough for you, I'm happy to add
>> it as-is.
> I'm happy using it as-is; at least in our application it is important
> to process an entire stream to update the state throughout.
> (Improving the stream format so that is not required is an unrelated
> issue ;-) Often we just use last to get the final state, eg.  as the
> first argument to enumFdFollow.

Thinking about this more, I realized that my reasoning about
"processing an entire stream to update the state throughout" is bogus
because that gets done in the enumeratee anyway, so the mechanics of
last are irrelevant. It would be equivalent to operate chunk-wise as
you suggest.


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