Welcome to the HNN development efforts

Thomas Bereknyei tomberek at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 19:46:59 EST 2010

> On the scalability front: anything that can be done to facilitate
> parallelization and distribution of computations might be important.
> Eventually, people will be asking for bells and whistles like Hopfield
> neural networks and PCNNs.

That's why I think we should build a framework with 'defaults' that
can be utilized and overridden.  That way there is MUCH less coding
someone would have to do to implement a new type of NN.  That's why i
was thinking that creating classes of nets and neurons/nodes would be
the way to go.

On parallelization: again, with set defaults, someone could simply add
a 'par' , 'pseq'' and 'seq' somewhere in an evaluation process.  We
can provide default parallel code as well.

My outlook on this whole project is to allow experimentation with
models, instead of providing a single set model to work with.


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