[haskell-platform] #227: help needed: Error while installing Haskell Platform

haskell-platform haskell-platform at projects.haskell.org
Fri Sep 20 03:22:10 BST 2013

#227: help needed: Error while installing Haskell Platform
 Reporter:  himanshubdave           |       Owner:  duncan
     Type:  task                    |      Status:  new   
 Priority:  major                   |   Milestone:        
Component:  Generic source tarball  |    Keywords:        
 0. Platform:
 uname -a
 Linux laptop 3.2.29-smp #2 SMP Mon Sep 17 13:16:43 CDT 2012 i686 Intel(R)
 Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6670  @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

 1. I have already installed GHC:
 main = do print (reverse [1..10])


 2. haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0$makescripts/build.sh
 Scanning system for any installed Haskell Platform components...


 New packages to install:
  HUnit- OpenGLRaw- GLURaw- OpenGL-
 GLUT- html- parallel- primitive-
 random- QuickCheck-2.6 alex-3.0.5 split-0.2.2 stm-2.4.2
 async- syb-0.4.0 haskell-src- text-
 attoparsec- hashable- case-insensitive-
 transformers- mtl-2.1.2 fgl- happy-1.18.10 parsec-3.1.3
 network- HTTP-4000.2.8 regex-base-0.93.2 regex-posix-0.95.2 regex-
 compat-0.95.1 unordered-containers- vector- xhtml-3000.2.1
 cgi-3001.1.7.5 zlib- cabal-install- haskell-
 Building HUnit-
 "/usr/local/bin/ghc" "--make" "Setup" "-o" "Setup" "-package"
 Linking Setup ...
 "./Setup" "configure" "--package-db=../../packages/package.conf.inplace" "
 --prefix=/usr/local" "--with-compiler=/usr/local/bin/ghc" "--with-hc-
 pkg=/usr/local/bin/ghc-pkg" "--with-hsc2hs=/usr/local/bin/hsc2hs"
 "--enable-library-profiling" "--ghc-pkg-option=--package-
 Configuring HUnit-
 Setup: Use of GHC's environment variable GHC_PACKAGE_PATH is incompatible
 Cabal. Use the flag --package-db to specify a package database (it can be
 multiple times).

 Configuring the HUnit- package failed
 make: *** [build.stamp] Error 2
 I am unable to locate the source of the error.
 Request help.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.haskell.org/haskell-platform/ticket/227>
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