cleaning trac

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at
Mon May 14 16:57:34 BST 2012

As you can see I've been poking around trac, cleaning it up a bit. There
are new milestones for 2012.2.0.0 and 2012.4.0.0.

Please have a look at the milestone report:

Clean up and reassign bugs. There should be no open bugs assigned to a
completed milestone:

   - Put them in a current or future milestone if you plan on fixing them.
   - Put them in Blue Sky if it is dependent on some future thing (like
   some cabal adding a new feature, or us deciding it bundle an OS...)
   - Clear the milestone if you think something is active, but don't know
   when we should schedule.
   - Close bugs that are old and no longer apply, or can no longer be
   verified (like they rely on old OSs)
   - Take ownership!
   - If you are not the component owner any longer, let me know, I have the
   trac-fu to fix such things. I can also add components, alter versions,

A working trac db needs to be small enough that the community can
comprehend it. A bug DB with 200 old open bugs is of no use - and
diminishes the use of it for active bugs.

 - Mark
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