package versions for 2012.2.0.0

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at
Sat May 12 23:12:37 BST 2012

Update on outstanding issues:

*Open, New*
[ ] mtl and transformers -- stick with 2.0 & 0.2 or move ahead to 2.1 and
    -- I don't know enough of the issues to make a call here

[ ] just-released xhtml-3000.2.1
    -- is this stable? good enough?

*Open, Almost Resolved*

[ ] Should we bumping alex to version 3?
    -- discussion seemed leaning to v3. I know that Yesod needs this as
well. Thoughts?

[ ] mtl will need MonadCatchIO-mtl- - do we make that part of the
    -- it is cgi that needs this, and we seem leaning to holding it back
to cgi-3001.1.7.4.

[ ] updating OpenGL and GLUT to recent versions will require including
packages: ObjectName, OpenGLRaw, GLURaw, StateVar, and Tensor. How do we
want to proceed?
    -- seems like we are planning on holding back again this time round
until the modules in those packages can be moved elsewhere in the module
tree namespace.

[ ] GHC 7.4.1 or 7.4.2?
    -- discussion strongly tending to sticking with 7.4.1


[ ] random is no longer part of GHC, but I'm assuming we will now have it
as part of the HP set
    -- yes

[ ] deepseq is supplied with GHC, but it was listed as an HP addition,
consider it part of the GHC distribution now?
    -- yes

[ ] haskell2000 wasn't listed in core.packages, but I'm assuming we
consider it an exposed part of the GHC distribution
    -- yes, though of course I meant haskell2010

[ ] Do we consider integer-gmp and/or integer-simple part of the platform?
it was listed in core.packages, but not the haskell-platform.cabal file
    -- no

[ ] Verifying that the packages bin-package-db, binary, ghc-prim, and
hoopl, while supplied with GHC are not considered part of HP
    -- verified

I plan to run trial Mac installers this weekend
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