Haskell Platform proposal: Add the vector package

Yitzchak Gale gale at sefer.org
Fri Jul 13 11:10:25 BST 2012

Posting this bit to the platform list only.

I vote to include vector in the platform now,
even if nothing at all is done yet to improve integration
with Safe Haskell. This is a very important package
and I commend the package authors and maintainers
on their fantastic work.

However, I would request that at least the following
be done: Add a prominent comment about the fact
that the notions of "safe" and "unsafe" in this
module are different from the use of those terms
in Safe Haskell, and explain briefly.

You might also want to suggest that the user
add a Trustworthy pragma when using the
vector package in a way that is SH-safe,
and perhaps add a brief explanation of what
kinds of usages of vector qualify (probably
almost all usages in practice).

Further discussion about what else, if anything,
can and should be done about this impedance
mismatch should be active and ongoing. But
it should not affect inclusion in the platform
in my opinion.


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