GHC version for next HP

Joachim Breitner nomeata at
Sun Feb 26 10:51:55 GMT 2012


Am Samstag, den 18.02.2012, 15:03 +0000 schrieb Duncan Coutts:
> So our next release is aimed for May 2012. We obviously want to use a
> GHC 7.4.x release. We do not yet know for sure if there will be a
> 7.4.2 release in time for May. The GHC devs have not decided yet when
> to do a 7.4.2 release, but if they know that if they want to target
> the HP release that we'd like ~6 weeks lead time.
> So we should start testing with 7.4.1 and latest versions of other
> libs and see if we have any serious bugs which would force us to wait
> for 7.4.2. If there's no serious bugs there's no problem if we use
> 7.4.1, we can do subsequent minor releases with 7.4.2 or later.

in Debian, we decided¹ to go ahead and upload 7.4.1 to Debian unstable,
so at the moment, we do not support the platform in unstable. Currently,
the package is uninstallable due to the version mismatch, but we will
soon have to adjust the package to be installable again, even though it
will not pull in the official versions as specified in the released
platform. In that form, it will enter testing, which will become the
next stable release (“wheeze”)

The next stable release will freeze in June. So in order to have an
official set of blessed platform version in the next stable release, the
platform should release before that, and preferable allow us for a week
or two to upgrade, if necessarily, the libraries and make sure all
depending libraries are rebuild and work.

So from our point of view, we’d be very happy if you can indeed keep
this schedule and release in May, and also if
is updated earlier and often when new version decisions are made, so
that we can prepare the packages even before the official platform



Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata at | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata at |

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