OpenGL situation needs resolving

Joachim Breitner mail at
Fri Dec 14 09:16:39 GMT 2012

Dear Platformers,

for an upcoming talk of mine about Haskell I wanted to use the Gloss
library, a very nice vector graphics library for beginners:

Unfortunately, it requires the latest major release of OpenGL, which is
not in the platform. To install Gloss on top of the current platform,
I’d have to go back to gloss- from 2,5 years ago.

If libraries on hackage begin to explicitly exclude the versions of
packages shipped in the platform, the platform is not fulfilling its
promise. So I guess OpenGL needs either to be updated in the platform,
or removed.

(If this was discussed already and a solution is upcoming, then sorry
for the noise.)


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
  mail at  |  nomeata at  |  GPG: 0x4743206C
  xmpp: nomeata at |

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