[haskell-platform] #174: Cabal no longer adds binaries to PATH

haskell-platform haskell-platform at projects.haskell.org
Wed Apr 27 13:30:23 BST 2011

#174: Cabal no longer adds binaries to PATH
 Reporter:  duncan         |       Owner:  gregorycollins
     Type:  defect         |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  major          |   Milestone:                
Component:  OSX installer  |    Keywords:                
 A user reported this in the Cabal trac, but the issue is actually the
 change in the cabal config that the OSX installer makes. I'm not making a
 judgement on whether this change is good or not, just passing on the


 Clearly this user had set things up so that the binaries were on the $PATH
 and this having changed is confusing.

 My guess is that we should set things up so that we use a symlink bindir
 somewhere sensible. That probably just needs a fix to get the symlinks
 correct when a per-package bindir is being used.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.haskell.org/haskell-platform/ticket/174>
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