Haskell Platform 2010.1.0.0 Windows installer RC2

Simon Marlow marlowsd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 05:50:00 EDT 2010

On 27/03/2010 20:23, Mikhail Glushenkov wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've uploaded the second  RC of the Haskell Platform 2010.1.0.0
> Windows installer to
> http://code.haskell.org/~refold/HaskellPlatform-2010.1.0.0-setup.exe
> Unless someone finds serious bugs in this RC, it can be released unchanged.
> What's new in 2010-1.0.0-rc2:
>      * $INSTDIR/mingw/bin is now added to PATH (#114)

That probably isn't a good idea - the version of mingw we ship with GHC 
isn't intended for general use, it's for use internally by GHC only.  By 
adding that directory to the PATH you override any other mingw or cygwin 
that the user might have in their PATH.


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