random questions while packaging...

Richard G. richardg at richardg.name
Sun Dec 5 17:40:26 EST 2010

The tests were written in a time previous to the addition of the test 
features in Cabal.  Hooks were added to the Setup.hs file so that they 
run when "cabal test" and so that they are not installed when "cabal 
install" is run.

This was always intended as an interim method and I'm guessing that this 
is not compatible with the installation method that you are using. 
Explicitly removing them from the build or from the Cabal file will be 
fine; they certainly aren't required.

I've been following the changes to Cabal's test integration with 
interest.  I had planned to wait for the documentation to make it to the 
website, then update HUnit.  If it would be beneficial, I can make the 
changes now; I just need to know where I can find the new Cabal 


On 12/4/10 11:47 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote:
> As I'm building the Mac OS X installer, some questions have arisen, I'm hopting the Haskell-Platform team can answer:
> * Licenses: The installer shows the license file that came with the GHC installer (BSD3 for the compiler, and LGPL for GMP lib). Do we want/need to have any other license appended to it?
> * Haddock w/Source: I'm using --hyperlink-source when I generate the doc that is installed. This uses hscolour which isn't part of the distribution (and so, builds with the version installed on my build machine) Does this feel like bad form?
> * HUnit's execs: HUnit builds and packages three executables that are really tests: basic-tests, extended-tests, terminal-tests. These end up in the user's bin dirs! I was thinking of just explicitly removing them from the installer image.
> * cabal-install: What's up with it being commented out?
> 	- Mark
> Mark Lentczner
> http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/
> mark at glyphic.com
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