[Haddock] [haddock] #201: Strip one leading blank from each line of a code block, if possible

haddock haddock at projects.haskell.org
Thu Apr 12 08:11:32 BST 2012

#201: Strip one leading blank from each line of a code block, if possible
Reporter:  SimonHengel  |       Owner:        
    Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new   
Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  2.10.0
 Version:  2.9.4        |    Keywords:        
 Most people (including me) tend put a leading blank on each non-empty line
 of a code block.


 -- > foobar

 instead of

 -- >foobar

 (e.g. test-framework-th contains
 th/0.2.2/doc/html/src/Test-Framework-TH.html#defaultMainGenerator real
 world examples])

 The generated HTML documentation retains these leading blanks.  And if you
 copy&paste some example snippets from the documentation, you end up
 striping these leading blanks manually.

 This has annoyed me several times. So I suggest to strip (in the parser)
 exactly one leading blank from each non-empty line of a code block iff
 each non-empty line of that code block starts with a blank.

 In addition I'd adjust the default CSS to make up for the missing blank.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.haskell.org/haddock/ticket/201>
haddock <http://www.haskell.org/haddock>
Haddock, The Haskell Documentation Tool

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