[Haddock] third post-survey version

Mark Lentczner markl at glyphic.com
Sat Aug 21 11:42:59 EDT 2010

Here is my latest version for viewing, I think this is *almost* it for the XHTML and styling work:


Things changed in this version:
• Final bits and bobs of CSS based on last feedback.
• Better synopsis hiding logic (for frames mode) - also more flexible for themes that want to vary look based on frames/non-frames versions.
• Includes Thomas' "Make synopsis frame behave properly in Firefox" patch

The only two things left on my list before release are:
1) Figure out how to get rid the vertical scroll bars on pre elements that appear on non-Mac versions of Chrome. It has something to do with the font sizing and line spacing interactions....
2) Check final colors under color blindness conditions. I suspect the orange link colors (there are two) will have to be darkened a smidge.

I will be able to get to these early next week.

	- Mark

Mark Lentczner
mark at glyphic.com

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