[grapefruit] missing texts

Wolfgang Jeltsch g9ks157k at acme.softbase.org
Tue Mar 10 13:38:56 EDT 2009


we experienced a strange problem. The UI library Grapefruit (which I develop) 
uses Gtk2Hs internally. Grapefruit contains some small examples which run 
very well on my machine (Ubuntu 8.10, AMD64). However, my collegues (who use 
Debian lenny and Gentoo Linux) have a problem: text sometimes disappears. 
This applies to all kinds of text: text on buttons, text in text cells of 
list views, text in progress cells of list views and titles of list view 
columns. Sometimes, the text is absent at the start of the application. It 
may disappear or reappear when the window contents are changed or the mouse 
moves over the respective widgets.

Actually, Grapefruit does no strange things with Grapefruit (IMO). Basically, 
it creates widgets, sets attributes and registers event handlers. I’m not 
sure whether it’s possible to corrupt memory by calling Gtk2Hs functions in a 
wrong way. Or if Gtk2Hs has a bug.

So I’d like to ask you whether you could have a look at the examples. Do you 
experience such problems on your machine? Can you imagine what the cause for 
them might be?

To try out, please get the latest Grapefruit version from the darcs 
repository. It’s the Container example which causes the problems. 
Downloading, building and running the examples is described on 
<http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Grapefruit>. However, this page advises you 
to use GHCi to run the examples. Since this doesn’t always work well, it’s 
better to create a standard executable from the following (untested) source 

> import Graphics.UI.Grapefruit.Circuit
> import Graphics.UI.Grapefruit.GTK
> import Examples.Grapefruit.Container
> main = run GTK mainCircuit

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best wishes,

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