[haskell-gnuplot] Plotting several lines to PNG file

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Thu Dec 8 10:16:45 GMT 2011

On Wed, 7 Dec 2011, dokondr wrote:

> How can I control the colors of lines on the plot?
> For example in function:
> plotPaths []  [greenXYList, blueXYList]
> What should I do to draw all pairs in greenXYList as green line and all pairs in
> blueXYList as blue line?

I do not know what the current state is, but selecting particular colors 
may not be supported by gnuplot. I think this is due to the approach of 
generating plots independently from the terminal and a particular terminal 
may not support colors at all, but only line patterns.

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