Hat Logo

Hat - the Haskell Tracer

What is Hat?
How do I view a trace?
Coverage of Haskell 98 + extensions
Known bugs
Libraries supported by Hat
Frequently asked questions
Copyright and licence information

Version 2.06 released 2nd Oct 2008.
Download Hat
System requirements
Build and install instructions
Configuration options
Recent changes

user guides
A simple tutorial introduction:
   (HTML) (TeX) (PostScript) (PDF)
The Hat user manual:
   (HTML) (TeX) (PostScript) (PDF)
hat-explore user manual: new
   (HTML) (TeX) (PostScript) (PDF)
Reference Guide (hat-trans)
Unix man pages:
   hat-trans hat-observe hat-trail
   hat-stack new hat-delta
   new hat-detect hat-cover
   new hat-anim black-hat
   hat-nonterm new pretty-hat

Project news
Technical publications
Known bugs
Wish list
darcs repository
Internal developer memos

Mailing list for everything Hat-related
More general Haskell mailing lists
Other Haskell systems and resources

Development of Hat was funded by grant number GR/M81953 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom.

What is Hat?

Hat is a source-level tracer for Haskell 98, the standard lazy functional programming language. Hat is a tool that gives the user access to otherwise invisible information about a computation.

Hat is portable between compilers: it works with both ghc and nhc98. It also supports various language extensions, such as the FFI, multi-parameter type classes, functional dependencies, and hierarchical module namespaces.

What is it good for?

Hat helps locating errors in programs. Furthermore, it is useful for understanding how a (correct) program works, especially for teaching and program maintenance. Hat is not a time or space profiler. Hat can be used for programs that terminate normally, that terminate with an error message or that terminate when interrupted by the programmer.

How does it work?

Tracing a program with Hat consists of two phases: First the specially compiled program runs as normal, except that additionally a trace is written to file. Second, after the program has terminated, the trace is viewed with a browsing tool. The trace consists of high-level information about the computation. It describes each reduction, that is, the replacements of an instance of a left-hand side of an equation by an instance of its right-hand side, and the relation of the reduction to other reductions. Because the trace describes the whole computation, it is huge. Hat comes with several tools to selectively view the fragments of the trace that are of interest. Each tool shows fragments of the computation in a particular way, highlighting a specific aspect.

How can I view a trace?

Because the trace describes the whole computation, it is huge. Hat comes with several tools to selectively view the fragments of the trace that are of interest. Each tool shows fragments of the computation in a particular way, highlighting a specific aspect.

All tools show function arguments in evaluated form, more precisely: as far evaluated as the arguments are at the end of the computation. For example, although in a computation the unevaluated expression (map (+5) [1,2]) might be passed to the function length, the tools will show the function application as length [1+5,2+5] or length [_,_].

For example, the computation of the faulty program

main = let xs :: [Int]
           xs = [4*2,5 `div` 0,5+6]
       in  print (head xs,last' xs)

last' (x:xs) = last' xs
last' [x] = x
gives the result
(8, No match in pattern.
and the Hat viewing tools can be used to explore its behaviour as follows:

If you have any problems, please send a message to the mailing list at hat@haskell.org.

The latest updates to these pages are available on the WWW from http://haskell.org/hat/

This page last modified: 2nd Oct 2008
York Functional Programming Group