Daniel Schüssler has sent this patch to me His explanation (translated by me): (1) new option -r: create tag files for each subdirectory The idea behind it is to use the order of tag files to give tags priorities. Example: ./tags,../tags (./tags is preferred over ../tags) (2) improve speed of nubBy I haven't applied the patch yet for several reasons: - can the same be achieved by a simple shell script? - Should the "sorting" of tags be done in editors? Eg: https://github.com/MarcWeber/SmartTag - He stopped replying while me asking whether I should change to git so that multiple branches can coexist at the same time easily. - the speed improvement maybe can be done in a differetn way using Maps instead of lists so that no sorting or nubyBy has to take place at all Vote for the patch or the feature to make me include it. Vote for me changing to git or tell me if there is a nicer way to distribute an idea like this?