;;;### (autoloads (ghc-core-mode ghc-core-create-core) "ghc-core" ;;;;;; "ghc-core.el" (19501 54140)) ;;; Generated autoloads from ghc-core.el (autoload 'ghc-core-create-core "ghc-core" "\ Compiled and load the current buffer as tidy core \(fn)" t nil) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.hcr\\'" . ghc-core-mode)) (autoload 'ghc-core-mode "ghc-core" "\ Major mode for GHC Core files. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-c-mode) "haskell-c" "haskell-c.el" (18170 ;;;;;; 47169)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-c.el (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.hsc\\'" . haskell-c-mode)) (autoload 'haskell-c-mode "haskell-c" "\ Major mode for Haskell FFI files. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-cabal-mode) "haskell-cabal" "haskell-cabal.el" ;;;;;; (19501 51598)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-cabal.el (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cabal\\'" . haskell-cabal-mode)) (autoload 'haskell-cabal-mode "haskell-cabal" "\ Major mode for Cabal package description files. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-decl-scan-mode) "haskell-decl-scan" "haskell-decl-scan.el" ;;;;;; (19222 37798)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-decl-scan.el (autoload 'haskell-decl-scan-mode "haskell-decl-scan" "\ Minor mode for declaration scanning for Haskell mode. Top-level declarations are scanned and listed in the menu item \"Declarations\". Selecting an item from this menu will take point to the start of the declaration. \\[haskell-ds-forward-decl] and \\[haskell-ds-backward-decl] move forward and backward to the start of a declaration. Under XEmacs, the following keys are also defined: \\[fume-list-functions] lists the declarations of the current buffer, \\[fume-prompt-function-goto] prompts for a declaration to move to, and \\[fume-mouse-function-goto] moves to the declaration whose name is at point. This may link with `haskell-doc' (only for Emacs currently). For non-literate and LaTeX-style literate scripts, we assume the common convention that top-level declarations start at the first column. For Bird-style literate scripts, we assume the common convention that top-level declarations start at the third column, ie. after \"> \". Anything in `font-lock-comment-face' is not considered for a declaration. Therefore, using Haskell font locking with comments coloured in `font-lock-comment-face' improves declaration scanning. To turn on declaration scanning for all Haskell buffers, add this to .emacs: (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-decl-scan) To turn declaration scanning on for the current buffer, call `turn-on-haskell-decl-scan'. Literate Haskell scripts are supported: If the value of `haskell-literate' (automatically set by the Haskell mode of Moss&Thorn) is `bird', a Bird-style literate script is assumed. If it is nil or `tex', a non-literate or LaTeX-style literate script is assumed, respectively. Invokes `haskell-decl-scan-mode-hook'. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-doc-show-type haskell-doc-mode) "haskell-doc" ;;;;;; "haskell-doc.el" (19222 37798)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-doc.el (autoload 'haskell-doc-mode "haskell-doc" "\ Enter `haskell-doc-mode' for showing fct types in the echo area. See variable docstring. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) (defalias 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode 'haskell-doc-mode) (autoload 'haskell-doc-show-type "haskell-doc" "\ Show the type of the function near point. For the function under point, show the type in the echo area. This information is extracted from the `haskell-doc-prelude-types' alist of prelude functions and their types, or from the local functions in the current buffer. \(fn &optional SYM)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-indent-mode) "haskell-indent" "haskell-indent.el" ;;;;;; (19222 37798)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-indent.el (autoload 'haskell-indent-mode "haskell-indent" "\ ``Intelligent'' Haskell indentation mode. This deals with the layout rule of Haskell. \\[haskell-indent-cycle] starts the cycle which proposes new possibilities as long as the TAB key is pressed. Any other key or mouse click terminates the cycle and is interpreted except for RET which merely exits the cycle. Other special keys are: \\[haskell-indent-insert-equal] inserts an = \\[haskell-indent-insert-guard] inserts an | \\[haskell-indent-insert-otherwise] inserts an | otherwise = these functions also align the guards and rhs of the current definition \\[haskell-indent-insert-where] inserts a where keyword \\[haskell-indent-align-guards-and-rhs] aligns the guards and rhs of the region \\[haskell-indent-put-region-in-literate] makes the region a piece of literate code in a literate script Invokes `haskell-indent-hook' if not nil. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-indentation-mode) "haskell-indentation" ;;;;;; "haskell-indentation.el" (19501 54761)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-indentation.el (autoload 'haskell-indentation-mode "haskell-indentation" "\ Haskell indentation mode that deals with the layout rule. It rebinds RET, DEL and BACKSPACE, so that indentations can be set and deleted as if they were real tabs. It supports autofill-mode. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (haskell-hayoo haskell-hoogle literate-haskell-mode ;;;;;; haskell-mode) "haskell-mode" "haskell-mode.el" (19501 53079)) ;;; Generated autoloads from haskell-mode.el (add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory load-file-name) (car load-path))) (autoload 'haskell-mode "haskell-mode" "\ Major mode for editing Haskell programs. Blank lines separate paragraphs, comments start with `-- '. \\ Literate scripts are supported via `literate-haskell-mode'. The variable `haskell-literate' indicates the style of the script in the current buffer. See the documentation on this variable for more details. Modules can hook in via `haskell-mode-hook'. The following modules are supported with an `autoload' command: `haskell-decl-scan', Graeme E Moss Scans top-level declarations, and places them in a menu. `haskell-doc', Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Echoes types of functions or syntax of keywords when the cursor is idle. `haskell-indentation', Kristof Bastiaensen Intelligent semi-automatic indentation Mk2 `haskell-indent', Guy Lapalme Intelligent semi-automatic indentation. `haskell-simple-indent', Graeme E Moss and Heribert Schuetz Simple indentation. Module X is activated using the command `turn-on-X'. For example, `haskell-indent' is activated using `turn-on-haskell-indent'. For more information on a module, see the help for its `X-mode' function. Some modules can be deactivated using `turn-off-X'. (Note that `haskell-doc' is irregular in using `turn-(on/off)-haskell-doc-mode'.) Use `haskell-version' to find out what version this is. Invokes `haskell-mode-hook'. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'literate-haskell-mode "haskell-mode" "\ As `haskell-mode' but for literate scripts. \(fn)" t nil) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(?:[gh]s\\|hi\\)\\'" . haskell-mode)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l[gh]s\\'" . literate-haskell-mode)) (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("runghc" . haskell-mode)) (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("runhaskell" . haskell-mode)) (autoload 'haskell-hoogle "haskell-mode" "\ Do a Hoogle search for QUERY. \(fn QUERY)" t nil) (defalias 'hoogle 'haskell-hoogle) (autoload 'haskell-hayoo "haskell-mode" "\ Do a Hayoo search for QUERY. \(fn QUERY)" t nil) (defalias 'hayoo 'haskell-hayoo) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (inferior-haskell-find-haddock inferior-haskell-find-definition ;;;;;; inferior-haskell-info inferior-haskell-type inferior-haskell-load-and-run ;;;;;; inferior-haskell-load-file switch-to-haskell) "inf-haskell" ;;;;;; "inf-haskell.el" (19501 52491)) ;;; Generated autoloads from inf-haskell.el (defalias 'run-haskell 'switch-to-haskell) (autoload 'switch-to-haskell "inf-haskell" "\ Show the inferior-haskell buffer. Start the process if needed. \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil) (autoload 'inferior-haskell-load-file "inf-haskell" "\ Pass the current buffer's file to the inferior haskell process. If prefix arg \\[universal-argument] is given, just reload the previous file. \(fn &optional RELOAD)" t nil) (autoload 'inferior-haskell-load-and-run "inf-haskell" "\ Pass the current buffer's file to haskell and then run a COMMAND. \(fn COMMAND)" t nil) (autoload 'inferior-haskell-type "inf-haskell" "\ Query the haskell process for the type of the given expression. If optional argument `insert-value' is non-nil, insert the type above point in the buffer. This can be done interactively with the \\[universal-argument] prefix. The returned info is cached for reuse by `haskell-doc-mode'. \(fn EXPR &optional INSERT-VALUE)" t nil) (autoload 'inferior-haskell-info "inf-haskell" "\ Query the haskell process for the info of the given expression. \(fn SYM)" t nil) (autoload 'inferior-haskell-find-definition "inf-haskell" "\ Attempt to locate and jump to the definition of the given expression. \(fn SYM)" t nil) (autoload 'inferior-haskell-find-haddock "inf-haskell" "\ Find and open the Haddock documentation of SYM. Make sure to load the file into GHCi or Hugs first by using C-c C-l. Only works for functions in a package installed with ghc-pkg, or whatever the value of `haskell-package-manager-name' is. This function needs to find which package a given module belongs to. In order to do this, it computes a module-to-package lookup alist, which is expensive to compute (it takes upwards of five seconds with more than about thirty installed packages). As a result, we cache it across sessions using the cache file referenced by `inferior-haskell-module-alist-file'. We test to see if this is newer than `haskell-package-conf-file' every time we load it. \(fn SYM)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("haskell-font-lock.el" "haskell-ghci.el" ;;;;;; "haskell-hugs.el" "haskell-simple-indent.el" "test.el") (19501 ;;;;;; 54762 893427)) ;;;***